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《灵界经历》 第3442节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3442

3442. It is clear from what has been said that a single expression of the Word which they interpret for themselves in accordance with their own fantasies is able to introduce a whole false doctrine or heresy and life-style; as, for instance simply this one, that all goods ought to be shared, thus also wives; then also, that a person is regenerated unawares [John 3:8] and has no need of spiritual knowledge; also, that the Lord bore our iniquities [Is. 53:6, 11, and elsewhere], so that all the human race would be pure, and the Lord Alone burdened with them; then also that life only is attended to, but not faith, because it is mere knowledge [cf. Matt. 7:21-23, and elsewhere] among other like expressions. In this way myriads of heresies can spring up out of the literal sense of the Word.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3442

3442. From the incidents above related it appeared that a single expression of the Word, which [one interprets] for himself according to his phantasies, is able to induce an entirely false doctrine or heresy, and thus a life; as, for instance, from this alone, that all goods ought to be common, thus also wives again from this, that man is regenerated while in ignorance of it, and without the need of knowledges; from this also, that the Lord has borne iniquities, [implying] that all the human race is pure, and that consequently the Lord alone is burdened with sin; moreover, that life is that which is regarded, but not faith, because it is something scientific; besides other similar things; thus myriads of heresies may exist from the literal sense of the Word.

Experientiae Spirituales 3442 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3442. Constabat ex iis quae dicta sunt, quod solum una expressio Verbi, de qua sibi [persuadent] secundum suas phantasias, possit inducere totam quandam doctrinam falsam, seu haeresin, sic vitam, sicut eo solo quod omnia bona esse debeant communia, ita quoque uxores; tum quod regeneretur homo, eo nesciente [Joh. III: 8], quod non opus sit cognitionibus: tum quod Dominus portaverit iniquitates [Esaj. LIII: 6, 11, 11, alibi], quod sic omne humanum genus esset purum, et Dominus Solus gravatus iis, tum quod vita sit quae aspicitur, non autem fides, quia scientificum, praeter alia similia, ita possunt ex sensu literali Verbi myriades haeresium existere.

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