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《灵界经历》 第3446节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3446

3446. Therefore (I now said), to live honorably, to live according to the laws - according to society's laws of order - with zeal for the common welfare - these things are acquired by learning and afterwards remain impressed, then given by the Lord in such a way that one knows them not as things learned, but that there is a conscience that dictates them.

Such things were said to him, but he did not want to admit them, being confirmed, it seemed, in the notion that ideas are connate with man, as they say, thus even the conscience confirming those foul adulteries, that came forth from a filthy reasoning, among many other [false notions].

As he was unable to acknowledge that conscience is [as above described], he was raised up on high, so as to understand better, where they perceive inward matters, but because he was the kind devoid of conscience, he acknowledged and yet did not acknowledge, all the less because he did not admit a higher knowledge of faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3446

3446. Thus (:now:) to live honestly, to live according to laws - laws of subordination - to study the good of the commonwealth these things are [first] learned, and afterwards remain fixed; and thus it is granted by the Lord that one should not take cognizance of what he has learned, but that conscience should dictate. Such things were said to him, but he was unwilling to admit them, being confirmed, it would seem, by them [in the belief] that as ideas are connate with man, as it is termed, so also is the conscience of those foul adulteries, maintaining, beside many other things, that it became defiled from [fallacious] reasoning. That conscience was such [as I had affirmed] he would not acknowledge; wherefore he was elevated on high, where they perceive interior things, that he might better perceive the truth; but being of the quality of one without conscience, he acknowledged and yet did not acknowledge, and so much the less as he did not admit the knowledges of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 3446 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3446. sicut non addocta; ita (nunc) honeste vivere, secundum leges vivere, secundum leges subordinationis, communis rei studium, talia addiscuntur, postea impressa manent, et sic a Domino datur, ut nesciat quae didicit, sed conscientia est quae dictat: talia ei dicta sunt, sed non admittere voluit, confirmatus, ut videtur, ab iis, quod connascatur idea cum homine, ut ajunt, [ego] sic etiam conscientia foedorum istorum adulteriorum, quod erat ex ratiocinatione spurca, confirmans, praeter alia multa. Quod conscientia talis, non potuit agnoscere, quare elevatus in altum, ut perciperet melius, ibi percipiunt interiora, sed quia talis ut absque conscientia, agnovit et non agnovit, eo minus cum cognitiones dei non admisit.

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