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《灵界经历》 第3450节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3450

3450. Afterwards it was detected, and he confessed that he had been among them, and told how those promiscuous, wicked marriages were conducted, in the dark and in the light; for they want the dark, but still, when those they fear have withdrawn, carry a light with them and light it. Then their rite was exposed, which, because of its wickedness cannot be described.

[2] Now because they call this shared marriage, they act so promiscuously that a wife does not know by whom she has been made pregnant, so that the offspring would be common to all, but still be brought up by the husband. So everyone acknowledges the offspring as common, to achieve which many go in to one wife, and even all, so that the identity of the man is unknown. Their quality was shown in daylight by pigs, so they are filthy pigs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3450

3450. Afterwards the fact was detected and confessed by him, that he was leagued with them [the adulterers], and he disclosed the manner in which those abominable promiscuous marriages were conducted, both in darkness and in light; for they court obscurity, but when those whom they fear withdraw, they bring a light and kindle it, when their rites are detected, which from their abominableness are not to be described; and as they say that the intercourse is to be common, so they act promiscuously, that a wife may not know by whom she is pregnant, and thus the progeny may be common to all, and yet may be brought up by a husband; thus everyone acknowledges the offspring as common, and in order to this many have connection with one [woman], and indeed all, in order that the particular person may not be known. Their quality was represented in the light by filthy swine, which they resemble.

Experientiae Spirituales 3450 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3450. Postea detectum et confessus, quod etiam interfuerit iis, et quomodo promiscua ista nefanda conjugia peracta, in obscuro et in lumine, nam obscurum volunt, sed usque iis recedentibus quos timent, lumen secum portant, et accendunt; tum eorum ritus detectus, qui quia nefandus, non describi potest; et quia dicunt conjugium commune, ita promiscue faciunt, ut nesciat uxor a quo gravida facta, sic ut proles essent communes omnium, sed a marito usque educarentur, ita quisque agnoscit prolem ut communem, quod ut fiat, plures adeunt unam, et sic omnes, ut notitia a quo viro, nesciatur. Ostensum quales sunt per porcos in luce, sic sunt porci foedi.

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