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《灵界经历》 第3461节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3461

3461. Continuation about the preacher and that life-style

What his life and that of those having the same life-style was like, I was given to learn when I was reading the words that constitute the principle higher knowledge of faith acknowledged in heaven - and as earlier, together with such a rich mental image that even the angels were delighted. When he was present and the persuasion of his life-style streamed in, then those words became so dulled that those around me could hardly grasp the meaning of the words, let alone feel any delight. So there was a closing, darkening and dullness caused by the sheer presence of the life of his persuasion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3461


It was given to know the quality of this man's life and that of those of similar stamp, from this circumstance; that while I was reading of those things that constitute the primary knowledges of the faith professed in heaven, it was attended at first with such a full idea that the angels also were delighted; but when he was present, and the persuasion of his life flowed in, then those perceptions were so dulled [and deadened] that the spirits around me could scarcely apprehend the sense of the words, much less feel any delight, so completely was everything closed, obscured, and weakened, from the life of his persuasion alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 3461 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3461. Continuatio de praedicatore et ea vita

Qualis vita ejus et eorum qui ejusdem vitae sunt, dabatur cognoscere ex eo: cum legerem ea, quae erant cognitiones fidei primariae, agnitae in coelo, et cum prius cum tali plena idea ut delectarentur quoque angeli, cum is praesens esset, et ejus vitae persuasio influeret, tunc illa ita hebetata sunt, ut vix sensum verborum caperent, qui circum me, minus delectationem, ita erat clausum, obscuratum et hebetatum, a sola ejus persuasionis vita.

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