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《灵界经历》 第3460节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3460

3460. The sciences in themselves should not be rejected as such, for by their means spiritual matters can be corroborated - for which reason the angels understand countlessly more in all of the sciences than could ever be believed, and in fact the most hidden things. But those who are learned in whatever science it may be, can hardly refrain, each on the basis of their own science, from reasoning, either in the open or within themselves, about spiritual matters, thereby blinding themselves. For many in order to appear learned reason from their own sciences - philosophers from theirs, logicians from theirs, metaphysicists from theirs, anatomists from theirs, geometrists from theirs, historians from theirs, politicians from theirs - and thus heap up fantasies, like the Jews from their trivia, and so on. Therefore, in the learned, ideas are closed, thus spiritual and heavenly things, consequently heaven, but in the uneducated it is open. 1748, 3 Oct. Who worship nature more as God than those who are knowledgeable in one or another science?

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3460

3460. The sciences are not in themselves of such a nature that they are to be rejected, for those things which are spiritual may be confirmed by them, for the angels understand indefinitely more in all sciences than ever could be believed, and those too of the most hidden character; but the learned in every science, be it what it may, scarcely ever fail to endeavor, either openly or to themselves, to reason concerning spiritual things, each from his peculiar science, and thus everyone blinds himself; for many, in order to gain a character for learning, reason from their sciences; as the philosophers from theirs, the logicians from theirs, the metaphysicians from theirs, the anatomists from theirs, the geometricians from theirs, the historians from theirs, the politicians from theirs, and so on, whereby they heap up phantasies, like the Jews from their trifles; wherefore the ideas of the learned are closed, and with them spiritual and celestial things, and thus heaven itself, which is opened to the unlearned. - 1748, October 3. Who worship nature as God more than those that are skilled in the different sciences?

Experientiae Spirituales 3460 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3460. Scientiae in se non sunt tales ut rejiciendae, nam ab iis confirmari possunt illa quae spiritualia sunt, quare angeli indefinita plura intelligunt in omnibus scientiis quam usquam credi potest, et quidem arcanissima, sed qui docti sunt, in quacunque scientia, vix intermittunt, quin quisque ex sua scientia ratiocinetur vel aperte vel apud se de spiritualibus, ita se occoecat, nam multi ut docti videantur, ex scientiis suis ratiocinantur, ut philosophi a suis, logici a suis, metaphysici a suis, anatomici a suis, geometrae a suis, historici a suis, politici a suis, et sic phantasias cumulant, sicut Judaei a suis nugis, et sic porro, quare doctis clauduntur ideae, ita spiritualia et coelestia, ita coelum, indoctis autem patet. 1748, 3 Oct. Quinam naturam magis pro Deo colunt, quam qui scientes sunt, e quacunque scientia?

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