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《灵界经历》 第3467节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3467

3467. Finally when they were thus tormented and covered over by a bladder, and had become a pot, then there burst forth from them the likeness of a naked human body. I assumed it to be their remnants of goodness, for it was no different from a naked human body except that it was somewhat more reddish. But this thing was let down lower in an almost vertical line toward the lower earth, and it then became almost fiery, but not quite fiery, but after a short pause it was brought down to Gehenna. It was their holy thing thus profaned, therefore still so appearing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3467

3467. When they had been thus tortured for a time, and by reason of the bladders drawn over them were converted to the appearance of these vile utensils, there burst forth from [each of] these coverings, as it were, a naked human body. This led me to think it might be the remains of their good, for it differed not from a naked human body, except that it was somewhat more ruddy. But it was let down almost in a perpendicular line towards the earth below, and then became somewhat, though not entirely, fiery; but after some delay it was conveyed to Gehenna. It was their holy which they had profaned, and which therefore appeared in this manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 3467 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3467. Tandem cum ii ita angerentur, et obducerentur vesica, et facti matula, tunc erumpebat ex iis corpus sicut humanum nudum, [ego] putans quod reliquiae boni eorum essent, nam ab humano corpore nudo non distinctum, nisi quod aliquantum rubentius, sed demissum erat hoc inferius fere linea perpendiculari versus terram inferiorem, et tunc factum magis igneum, tametsi non igneum; sed post aliquam moram delatum est ad Gehennam; erat sanctum eorum, quod ita prophanatum, usque ideo ita apparens.

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