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《灵界经历》 第3468节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3468

3468. While this quasi human body was being let down toward the middle of Gehenna, then those who were in Gehenna felt a change, as if their lust, which is fiery, had abated, because the pleasure of this lust was greater - as I also was given to feel. This showed that their lust was much more wicked than the lust of those who 1were in Gehenna, for which reason it could not be let in. The fire of Gehenna is more reddish, like the fire of a flame, but their fire was portrayed as whiter, like a brighter flame. Their promiscuous life-style was therefore also portrayed as one of snowy light, for they portray the light of winter, but coupled with their abominable criminal lust it was of a flamy light.


1. In the autograph eorum, "those (men)" is corrected to read earum, "those (women)."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3468

3468. When this quasi human body was let down toward the midst of Gehenna, then those who were there perceived a certain charge; their lasciviousness, which was fiery, was diminished, because the delight of the other lasciviousness was greater, as it was given me to perceive. It appeared from this that their lasciviousness was more outrageous than that of those in Gehenna, for which reason they could not be sent into it. The fire of Gehenna is redder, like the fire of flame, but their fire was represented as white, and like the flame of an intenser heat. Their passive life in like manner is represented as of a snowy light, for they represent the light of winter; but when coupled with their nefarious and abominable lasciviousness, it was of a flamy light.

Experientiae Spirituales 3468 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3468. Cum hoc corpus quasi humanum demitteretur versus medium Gehennae, tunc ii qui in Gehenna sentiebant mutationem quandam, eorum lascivia quasi diminuta, quae ignea est, quia jucunditas lasciviae istius erat major, quod mihi quoque percipere datum; inde constabat, quod eorum lascivia multo facinorosior esset lascivia earum quae in Gehenna, quare nec immitti potuit; ignis Gehennae est rubentius, ut igneum flammae, sed eorum ignis repraesentatus candidior, sicut flammae magis candentis; vita eorum passiva ita quoque repraesentata, sicut niveae lucis, nam lucem hyemis repraesentant, sed copulata cum facinorosa et abominabili eorum lascivia erat lucis flammeae.

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