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《灵界经历》 第347节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 347

347. Only the little children of Mohammedans come immediately into heaven, but not the boys and girls.

When a concern arose in my mind about the little children of Mohammedans, whether their boys and girls of a few years old will be taken away to the heaven of God the Messiah, I was told that their little children are raised up, but that boys and girls 10 years of age, more or less - depending upon education, ability, character - are not at once elevated into heaven, but are transferred among their spirits, and then gradually perfected and raised up. What I have also heard said is that they did not know where many of them had gone whom they had known before, and I realized that the reason, [namely] that boys and girls cannot be raised up quickly enough to avoid being firmly indoctrinated in heathenism. 1747, 15 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 347


A misgiving arose with regard to Mahomedan children, whether their boys and girls of a few years old were also carried away into the heaven of God Messiah. I was told, however, that their little children were taken up, but the boys and girls about ten years old, more or less, were taken up according to their education, capacity and nature. The latter are not immediately elevated into heaven, but are transferred to their spirits, and thus are gradually perfected, and raised up. I also heard it said that they did not know whither many of those they had before known have gone. I also perceived that the reason why the boys and girls cannot be taken up so quickly is that they are firmly imbued with paganism. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 347 (original Latin 1748-1764)

347. Quod Mahumedanorum infantes solum immediate in coelum veniant, at pueri et puellae non ita

Quum incidit scrupulus de infantibus Mahumedanorum 1

, annon etiam pueri et puellae eorum intra aliquot annos, quoque auferentur ad coelum Dei Messia, dictum mihi est, quod infantes eorum attolluntur, at vero pueri ac puellae secundum educationem, capacitatem, indolem intra 10, pauciores pluresque annos, non illico elevantur in coelum, sed inter spiritus eorum transferuntur, et sic sensim perficiuntur et attolluntur; quod etiam audivi dictum, [est,] quod nescirent, quo abirent multi ex iis, quos cognoverunt prius; causam etiam percepi, quod non pueri ac puellae possint tam cito attolli, quin 2

statim imbuuntur paganismo. 1747, 15 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has Mahumeedorum

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

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