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《灵界经历》 第348节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 348

348. The heaven of God the Messiah consists in a variety of all

The subjects themselves, or angels, must exist in a countlessly great diversity of forms, a variety that is arranged by kinds and species, both by individual [angels] and individual habitations, similar in all ways, likewise at every level. Only from variety is there a harmony of the kind where all believe that they are as if a one. From this, or from the beauty of harmony, comes happiness, in countless variety, and this to eternity. These things were said in a gathering of innumerable souls, spirits and angels, and I heard no one dissenting. 1747, 15 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 348


The subjects themselves, that is, the angels as to their forms, must be of indefinite variety, being distinguished by their variety into genera and species, in the single things, in each habitation, likewise in all things; also in every degree. Harmony exists from variety alone, being such that all believe themselves to be as if one. From this, that is, from the form of harmony, comes happiness with indefinite variety, and this to eternity. These things were said in a gathering of innumerable souls, spirits and angels, and not one did I hear dissent. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 348 (original Latin 1748-1764)

348. Quod coelum Dei Messiae consistat in varietate 1


Ipsa subjecta seu angeli quoad formas eorum in indefinita varietate erunt, ex varietate distincta in genera et species, in singulis, in singula mansione, in omnibus simili 1

, similiter in omni gradu; ex varietate solum existit harmonia, talis ut omnes se credant quasi unum esse, inde seu ex forma harmoniae existit felicitas, cum indefinita varietate, et hoc in aeternum. Haec dicta sunt in congregatione innumerabilium animarum, spirituum et angelorum, nullo, ut audivi, dissentiente. 1747, 15 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has varietatate

1. The Manuscript has simuli

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