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《灵界经历》 第3490节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3490

3490. Their breathing was communicated to me, which was inward, within the region of the navel, the up and down movement of which through the chest was imperceptible.

3490. 1/2.

I was inspired to think about the early Church, for some were thinking that those spirits [3488 ff.] were from the early Church, whereupon some from the early Church approached who were quite like them but did not speak by means of the lips, nor flow in in that way, but flowed in by a blast of breath into the higher region of the head, about from the interstice of the cerebrum and cerebellum, all the way to the forehead, thus above and almost within the cerebrum.

[2] From there the stream of breath flowed down into the interiors of the thorax, and right across through the left side of the nose. Thus first they filled the thorax with breath which then crossed to the same region as the navel, and then they breathed within from the navel through the back side of the thorax, the breath scarcely reaching to the mouth. So the circling breath passed down and back inside, but not outside, that is, from the region of the navel into that of the thorax, toward the back, then upward toward the neck, and back again, making this circling breathing quite pleasing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3490

3490. Their respiration, which was interior, within the umbilical region, was communicated to me, but flowing up and down through the breast, it was not perceptible.

3490 1/2. It was given me to think concerning the primitive church, of which some supposed those spirits to be; wherefore some from the primitive church came near, who were very similar to them, but they did not speak by the [simple motion of] the lips, nor did they flow-in in like manner; they flowed-in by an afflatus into the upper region of the head, from about the separating line between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, towards the forehead, thus above and almost within the brain, and that they who come into heaven and thence the breath they breathed upon me flowed into the interior of the thorax and crosswise to the left of the nose. It then first filled the thorax with respiration, and thence passed to the region of the umbilicus, where they respired inwardly from the umbilicus through the back of the thorax, the breath scarcely reaching to the mouth. The respiration was thus reciprocally inwards, but not evolved outwardly; that is to say, [it passed] from the umbilical region to that of the thorax towards the back, and then upwards towards the neck, and thus with a reciprocal rolling, which was sufficiently agreeable.

Experientiae Spirituales 3490 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3490. Eorum respiratio mihi communicata est, quae erat interior, intra umbilici regionem, quae sursum et deorsum per pectus, mihi erat insensibilis.

3490 b. Cogitare dabatur de Ecclesia primitiva, nam aliqui putabant eos a primitiva Ecclesia, quare etiam adveniebant quidam ex primitiva Ecclesia, qui admodum similes iis erant, sed non loquuti per labia, nec sic influebant, influebant afflatu in regionem superiorem capitis, ab interstitio fere cerebri et cerebelli, usque ad frontispicium, sic supra et intra fere, cerebrum, et inde aspiratio defluebat in thoracis interiora, et quidem tramite per sinistrum nasi, ita primum implebant respiratione thoracem, et transiit sic ad eandem regionem ubi umbilicus, et tunc respirabant intus ab umbilico per tergalem partem thoracis, vix perveniens ad os, sic reciproce intra, non autem extra voluta respiratio, nempe a regione umbilici in thoracis versus tergum, sic sursum versus cervicem, et reciproce, ut esset talis volutio, satis amaena.

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