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《灵界经历》 第3494节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3494

3494. Certain Mohammedans came almost at once after death into harmonious gyres

I heard a certain resonant gyre [of spirits], but a rather rough sounding one that I at once recognized, because of its gyre and tone, to be from the Mohammedans. It was rougher than the gyres heard earlier, not so fluid, and others told me that they were Mohammedans who had been departing life 3 or 4 days before. I likewise heard a gyre of Mohammedan women, about which they said the same thing. It was granted me also to realize that they were Mohammedans by a communication of their delight on hearing that those [of the second gyre] were women.

They went on during the whole night, and finally I heard that these same spirits formed their gyres more rapidly and easily, thus being initiated into the harmonies in almost one night, for they become gyres when all are speaking and thinking as each, and each as all. Some spirits in fact said that Christians are sometimes unable to be inaugurated into harmony or into a gyre in less than 30 years. 1748, 6 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3494


I heard a certain sonorous though somewhat hoarse-voiced choir, which I knew at once, from the gyre and the sound, to be composed of Mohometans. It was [as I remarked], of hoarser or less flowing sound than that of any choir I had before heard, and I was informed by others that they were Mohometans, who had died three or four days previously. In like manner I heard a choir of Mahometan women, of whom the same thing was said. That they were Mohometans was given me to perceive by the communication of their delight when they heard that the women were near. They held on during the whole night, and I heard at length that they formed their choirs with peculiar rapidity and ease, as they were in fact almost initiated into the harmonies in the space of one night; for these choirs are formed from all speaking and thinking as each one, and each one as all. Certain spirits remarked that Christians were seldom inaugurated into these choirs and harmonies in short of thirty years. - 1748, October 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3494 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3494. Quidam Mahumedani illico paene in gyros seu consensus post mortem venerunt

Audiebam gyrum quendam sonorum, sed crassiorem, quem illico cognovi ex gyro et sono, quod esset ex Mahumedanis; crassior erat quam gyri prius auditi, seu non ita fluidus, dicebant mihi alii, quod essent Mahumedani ante 3 vel 4 dies e vita excedentes: similiter etiam audiebam faeminarum Mahumedanarum gyrum, de quo idem dixerunt, datum quoque percipere quod Mahumedani essent, per communicationem delectationis eorum, cum audirent quod faeminae essent: perstabant per totam noctem, et tandem audivi, quod iidem gyros suos celerius et habilius agerent, ita per unam fere noctem initiati in consensus, nam gyri sunt, quum omnes loquuntur et cogitant sicut unusquisque, et unusquisque ut omnes. Dicebant quidam spiritus, quod Christiani non possint inaugurari in consensum seu gyrum, quandoque per 30 annos. 1748, 6 Oct.

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