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《灵界经历》 第3501节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3501

3501. This showed that they are not moved by any love of the neighbor. It was also shown that they wanted to destroy the innocent, portrayed by a little child appearing whom they desired to kill, for their aura is such that when they see a little child, they want to kill it, because they want to destroy innocence. As for their love of children, I was shown a mother kissing her little one, but was told that this kind of love was like that of brute animals, which also love their little children.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3501

3501. It appeared from this that they were not at all touched by the love of the neighbor. It was shown also that they were prompted to destroy the innocent, which was represented by an infant that they wished to kill; for such is their sphere, that when they see an infant, they burn to slay it; and some would even, if possible, slay innocence itself. That they cherish love for their children was shown by a mother's kissing an infant; but it was said that their love was like that of brutes, which also love their young.

Experientiae Spirituales 3501 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3501. Quod nullo amore proximi tangantur, inde constabat; ostensum quoque quod innocentias vellent necare, per visum infantem, quem interficere cupiebant, nam talis est eorum sphaera, ut dum vident infantem, quod eum occidere, quia innocentiam, cupiunt. Quod amorem erga liberos [attinet], ostensum mihi, quod mater oscularetur infantem, sed dictum, quod talis amor esset, qualis brutorum, quae etiam infantes ita amant.

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