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《灵界经历》 第3502节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3502

3502. It was said about them, and I realized, that soon upon arriving in the other life, the rich ones among them seem to themselves to be dwelling in magnificent palaces, and the rest to be living as they did in the body, but that this life successively changes, and they gradually find themselves dwelling in lowly houses, and after that in none. They are deprived of their riches, and become poor, as they also confessed, and go around asking for alms. And being as they are, they are not welcomed in the societies to which they come, but are now and again penalized, so their life is successively changed into the contrary, and they finally become excremental, exhaling the foul odor of [decayed] teeth and dung.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3502

3502. It was said and perceived respecting them, that as soon as they enter into the other life, their rich men seem to themselves to dwell in splendid palaces, and to live in other respects as they did in the body; but as the life is successively changed, they by degrees pass from these into viler and viler habitations, till at last they are left without any; thus they are deprived of their [fancied] riches, and become poor, which they are forced to acknowledge, and then they wander about seeking wages; and because their quality is such, they are rejected by the societies to which they come, and every where subjected to some kind of penalty by loss. Thus their life is successively changed to its contrary, and they become mere refuse and offscouring, and exhale the fetid odor of [decayed] teeth.

Experientiae Spirituales 3502 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3502. De iis dictum, et perceptum, quod mox cum veniunt in alteram vitam, divites eorum habitare sibi videantur in magnificis palatiis, et caeteri vivere sicut in corpore, sed quae vita successive mutatur, quod sensim habitent in domibus vilibus et dein in nullis, tum quod priventur suis divitiis, fiantque pauperes, quod etiam fassi, et circumeant et stipem quaerant, et quia tales, a societatibus ad quas veniunt non recipiantur, sed passim mulctentur, sic vita eorum eadem successive mutatur in contrariam, ut tandem excrementitii sint, et foetorem dentium et excrementitium exhalent.

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