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《灵界经历》 第3510节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3510

3510. They, moreover, are invisible to other spirits, who declared that they did not know where they are and how they come into heaven. They had also been scarcely visible to me for more than an entire day, and yet they operated very strongly in me, especially to prevent me from writing anything about them. The force of their action I felt to be stronger than at other times, besides which they also would not let in inward things, but ridiculed them. Then again, they operated so strongly that no others had previously done so more strongly, because [they provoked] me to anger.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3510

3510. They were moreover invisible to other spirits, who said they knew not where they were, nor how they get into heaven. They were also scarcely visible to me for the space of more than a whole day, and yet they operated very strongly with me, especially to prevent my writing anything about them, which power of acting upon me I perceived [in this] more strongly than in any other way, besides that they would not admit, but rather ridiculed the interior things [which I stated]. They acted the more strongly, more so in fact than any others had done before, in order if possible to provoke me to anger.

Experientiae Spirituales 3510 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3510. Praeterea sunt invisibiles caeteris spiritibus, qui dixerunt, quod nescirent ubinam sint, et quomodo veniunt in coelum, mihi quoque inconspicui fuerunt per integrum diem, quod excedit, et usque fortiter operati in me, cumprimis ne quicquam scriberem de iis, quorum vim agendi sensi fortiorem, quam alioquin, praeter quod etiam interiora non admitterent, quae subsannabant, tunc quoque tam fortiter egerunt, ut vix alii prius fortius, quia me ad iram.

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