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《灵界经历》 第3515节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3515

3515. But the aura of those who have not yet received faith is constantly repugnant to those who acknowledge and meditate on inward qualities, and more repugnant than the aura of all other spirits. From this it became evident to me during more than the whole past day, how difficult it is for them to be led to an acknowledgment of the inward things of the Word. For they are not delighted nor moved, like others, by the inward things they were shown, by experiences and demonstrations, but are continually and silently resisting and opposing, nor do they offer any open contradiction, but only a general repugnance. So in the world they seem able to be led with greater difficulty to believing the tenets of true faith than others.

It was shown me that their aura was fighting with the aura of those who had faith, but with the stubborn ones their aura did not allow itself to be overcome. It drove the aura of the latter, thus it drove them, toward the right, but the [faithful] did not let themselves be conquered, and again put the former to flight, then the reverse, several times back and forth, and finally the former were forced to recede. They sometimes appear clad in loincloths and garments, like people on this earth, but they appear thus clothed only faintly, or in a dim vision. 1748, 10 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3515

3515. But the sphere of those who have not yet received faith is to those who acknowledge and meditate upon interior things, continually repugnant, more so than that of all other spirits; whence for more than an entire day it was apparent to me with how much difficulty they are brought to the acknowledgement of the interior things of the Word; for they are not delighted or affected like others, by the exhibition of these interior things, but continually resist and fight against them, but in silence, without any open contradiction. They merely offer a general [internal] resistance; wherefore in the world they seem to be brought with more difficulty than others to the belief of those things which are of true faith. It was shown to me that their sphere conflicts with the sphere of those who are in faith, and who are yet so obstinate that they will not suffer themselves to be overcome. The sphere of the former drove that of the latter, and themselves with it, towards the right, but they still refused to yield, and again drove back their assailants, and so these also, in their turn, the latter, till finally the former, [the nullifidians] were compelled to recede. They moreover sometimes were seen clad in upper and lower garments like men of our earth, but in this dress appeared but obscurely, or as in an obscure vision. - 1748, October 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3515 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3515. Sed sphaera eorum, qui nondum fidem acceperunt, est talis iis, qui interiora agnoscunt et meditantur, ut continuo repugnet, et repugnantior est sphaera aliorum omnium spirituum, exinde per integrum diem quod excedit, mihi constitit, quam difficile ii ad agnitionem interiorum Verbi, adduci queant; nam ex ostensis interioribus sic ab experientiis et demonstrationibus, non delectantur, nec afficiuntur ut alii, sed continue cum silentio, resistunt, et repugnant, nec aliquam apertam contradictionem movent: modo in communi repugnant: quare videntur ii in mundo aegrius adduci posse ad credendum ea quae sunt verae fidei, quam alii; ostensum mihi erat, quod sphaera eorum pugnaret cum sphaera eorum, qui in fide, sed qui contumaces, quod illa non se vinci pateretur, agebat sphaeram horum, proinde eos versus dextrum, sed hi non passi se vinci, illos iterum fugabant, ita vicissim, per aliquot vices, tandem recedere coacti; praeterea apparent induti femoralibus, et vestibus, sicut homines telluris hujus, sed modo apparent sic induti obscure, seu in visione obscura. 1748, 10 Oct.

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