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《灵界经历》 第3514节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3514

3514. Therefore, in the other life, when they become confirmed in and convinced of all things true and truly good, then they do not go any other way, the Lord guarding them in this their nature. So they are confirmed and persuaded more readily than others. This is also the reason why the other spirits had said they do not know where they are, and how they come to heaven [3510]. 1748, 10 Oct.

Neither are they instructed the way others are, because they call that reasonings, but when they have wandered about for a long time, not knowing how they can come into heaven, and how they can escape misery, then they are left to think about the means, that is, that they do not possess the means. At this point, they are instilled step by step with higher knowledge of faith, as if by their own effort, and this knowledge is also confirmed by reflection, and they do not know where it comes from. In this way at length they are convinced, but not by instruction, as others are.

Among them there are in the heaven of spirits those who can be called "constancies," for they are steadfast, and do not allow themselves to be drawn away by any deception, nor any trick, or argument, or injected doubts, or the darkness they bring on, or by any fallacy, appearance, or fantasy. They are those especially whose soul or life had been business, not wealth, nor whose goal had been a lavish life-style.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3514

3514. They are not instructed like others, because they call [such instructions] reasonings; but when they have wandered about for a long time, not knowing how they can reach heaven or escape misery, they are left to reflect upon the means, and to be aware that they are not in [the use of] the means; the knowledges of faith are then gradually insinuated, and confirmed by reflection, till they are persuaded, they scarce know why; for it is not by means of instruction, as is the case with others. Among these are some in the heaven of spirits who may be called constancies, for they remain firm, nor do they suffer themselves to be led away by any deceit, or art, or reasoning, or injected doubts, or obscurity thence, or fallacy, or appearance, or phantasy, especially those whose life or soul was business, not money, and whose ruling end was a genteel style of living.

Experientiae Spirituales 3514 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3514. mantur et persuadentur de iis quae vera et vere bona sunt, tunc non aliam viam eunt, Domino custodiente eos in tali eorum natura, quare etiam confirmantur et persuadentur prae aliis. Quae etiam causa est, quod alii spiritus dixerint, quod non sciant, ubinam sunt, et quomodo ad coelum veniunt. 1748, 10 Oct. Nec ita instruuntur sicut alii, quia ratiocinia vocant, sed cum diu ita vagati, nec sciunt quomodo in coelum venire possint, et quomodo ex miseria possint exire, tunc relinquitur quasi iis cogitare de mediis, quod nempe non sint in mediis, et tunc insinuantur successive cognitiones fidei, ut ab iis, et illae quoque confirmantur, quando ii cogitant, et nesciunt a quo, ita tandem persuadentur: nam per instructiones ii non persuadentur, ut alii. Inter eos sunt in coelo spirituum qui constantiae possunt dici, nam permanent, nec ab aliquo dolo, aut arte, aut ratiocinatione, aut dubiis injectis, aut obscuritate inde, aut fallacia, apparentia, et phantasia se abstrahi patiuntur; cumprimis ii quorum anima seu vita fuit negotiatio, non pecunia, et [non] lauta vita finis.

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