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《灵界经历》 第3517节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3517

3517. While some of them were left to their own thoughts which they formerly had regarding heavenly joy, it was said that they had then thought there was some kind of joy they did not know of, but that they would not have the kind they had on earth; so they could not say whether their earthly joy could be preferable. Therefore they had no idea of heavenly joy except from the earthly one. They were asked what they expected to find now in in the other life, since there is no longer business, no money (which is unknown in the other life), nor trade. To this question they could give no answer.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3517

3517. Some of them being left to the thoughts which they formerly had of heavenly joy, it was said, that they conceived of it as some kind of joy different from that with which they had been acquainted on earth but whether it was to be preferred to terrestrial joy or not, they could not tell. It was evident, therefore, that they could have no idea of heavenly joy except from earthly. When they were asked what they could exact in the other life, where there was no more business, nor riches, nor traffic, -which are there unknown - they had nothing to reply.

Experientiae Spirituales 3517 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3517. Quidam eorum relicti suis cogitationibus, quas habuerunt de gaudio coelesti, dicebatur, quod tunc cogitaverint quod aliquod gaudium esset, quod nescirent, sed quod tale non haberent quale in terra, sic pro gaudio eorum terrestri num posset praeferri: quare nullam ideam gaudii coelestis aliam habere potuerunt, quam ex terrestri: iis dictum quid nunc in altera vita exspectent, cum amplius nulla negotiatio, nullae opes, quas nesciunt in altera vita, nec merces? ad haec nihil respondere poterant.

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