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《灵界经历》 第3518节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3518

3518. When they were told - but not within my earshot - that they could do nothing by their own power to come into heaven, I realized that they at once thought they were to hang down their hands and await an impulse, for people of that character cannot grasp anything else. But they were told that this is not the case, and that they must take action, yet attributing it to the Lord, who gives the power and strength, just as when a preacher asks that the Lord may speak through him, may govern his thoughts and words, and other like expressions, he does not keep silent and await an impulse, but preaches as though it comes from himself. Still, however, he afterwards declares that he has spoken from the Lord. So it is in other cases. 1748, 10 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3518

3518. When it was said to them - but not in my hearing - that they could do nothing by their own efforts towards securing their entrance into heaven, I perceived that they [at once] took it for granted that they were to fold their hands and wait for [the divine] influence; for those of that character receive no other impression. But they were informed that this was not so, that men were to act, but that the work was still to be ascribed to the Lord, who gives power and strength to all; just as the preacher, when he says that the Lord speaks by him, that he directs his thoughts and words, and the like, does not hold his peace, and wait for [the divine] influence, but preaches as from himself, while he still says afterwards that he spoke from the Lord. The principle is the same in other cases. - 1748, October 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3518 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3518. Cum iis diceretur, me non audiente, quod nihil ex suis viribus possent, et sic venire in coelum, tunc percepi, quod sic putarent, remittendas esse manus, et exspectandum influxum, nam qui tales nihil aliud capere possunt; sed iis dictum, quod ita se res non habeat, sed quod agendum, sed tribuendum Domino, qui dat potentiam et vires, sicut cum praedicator dicit, ut Dominus loquatur per eum, ut ejus cogitata et verba regat, et similia, tunc non tacet, et exspectat influxum, sed ex se quasi praedicat, usque tamen postea dicit, quod a Domino loquutus, similiter se habet in caeteris. 1748, 10 Oct.

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