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《灵界经历》 第3520节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3520

3520. I was shown what their aura of faith was like, for when I entered the temple of Paul, then suddenly it was said to me that someone sleeping had dreamed that he was being introduced into this large temple by the holy spirit. After that a certain person appeared who had been raised up into heaven from the left toward the right, and I was told and perceived that someone had recently died and had been conducted by angels immediately into heaven. The fact was then discussed that a certain person is being carried up immediately into heaven after death by the angels who had resuscitated him, and it was seen that he was received by the Lord, and then shown the glory of heaven.

[2] When his being raised into heaven was discussed, the Dutch around me brought in an aura of incredulity, so that they could hardly be convinced that it was so, as I was also prompted to tell them. I did not sense their thoughts very clearly, but the aura of incredulity - which is a collection of many firmly grounded thoughts. And they were enviously surprised that they should be standing below, while others were being thus raised up into heaven. I spoke with them saying that this was due to the aura of those who had said they would believe if they saw me resuscitate a dead person lying upon his funeral bier. To them I was prompted to reply that if they saw a dead person resuscitated, they would not believe unless they saw me resuscitate many dead persons, and that they would ascribe these things to natural causes and then believe even less than before.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3520

3520. The quality of the sphere of their faith was shown when I entered the temple of Paul, as it was then suddenly said to me, that some one had dreamed in his sleep that he was introduced by the Holy Spirit into this vast temple. Afterwards a certain person appeared to be raised up into heaven from the left towards the right, and it was said to me, and perceived, that it was some one who had recently died, and that he was immediately conveyed by angels to heaven. This gave occasion to a conversation, in which the circumstance was mentioned that some one had been immediately after his death taken to heaven by the angels who resuscitated him, and that it was seen that he was received by the Lord, and shown the glory of heaven. When this occurrence became a topic of conversation, the Hollanders around me induced such a sphere of incredulity as almost to stifle the belief of the fact, which it was also given me to tell them. I did not actually perceive their thoughts, but a sphere of incredulity is a collection of a great many thoughts which have been confirmed. They were moved by a kind of invidious wonder, that they should stand below, while others were raised to heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 3520 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3520. Qualis sphaera fidei eorum esset, ostensum, cum enim intrarem in templum Pauli, tunc subito dictum mihi, quod aliquis in somno somniaverit, quod a spiritu sancto introduceretur in templum hoc magnum, post apparuit quidam qui in coelum sublatus a sinistro versus dextrum, et mihi dictum et perceptum, quod nuper aliquis mortuus, et ab angelis deductus immediate in coelum, de quo sermo fuit, quod quidam immediate in coelum post mortem ab angelis, qui eum excitarunt, auferatur, et visum quod a Domino acceptatus, et tunc ostensa ei gloria coeli; quod sublatus in coelum cum sermo fuit, Hollandi circum me incredulitatis sphaeram inferebant, sic ut vix persuaderi potuissent, quod ita esset, quod etiam iis dicere datum; cogitata eorum non ita percepi, sed incredulitatis sphaeram[, quae] est collectio multarum cogitationum confirmatarum, tum quod mirati invide sint, quod ii starent infra, et alii in coelum ita auferrentur; loquutus cum iis, quod ex eorum sphaera veniret, qui dixerunt quod crederent si viderent me resuscitare aliquem mortuum jacentem super lectica, quibus respondere datum, si viderent mortuum resuscitatum, quod non crederent, nisi plures mortuos resuscitare me viderent, et postea quod adscriberent ea naturalibus causis, et sic minus crederent quam

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