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《灵界经历》 第3519节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3519

3519. They called their priests worldly priests, saying they are only worldly ones, because they live at home like others, and therefore cannot possibly know what the heavenly is. For when those who ought to be heavenly live just as those at home, they cannot conclude from that that there is anything heavenly with people on earth.

Moreover, they called the doctrine of faith a bond of society, as if it were only for the sake of the worse stock, to keep them in line. Such is their business life, portrayed as a life of wintry light. I even felt a rather intense chill coming from them in my foot and knee.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3519

3519. They called their priests worldly priests, affirming this of them, because they live at home like others; wherefore it was not to be supposed that they could know anything of a celestial nature, for when they who ought to be of a heavenly character live thus, how could they believe there was anything heavenly among men? They moreover called the doctrine of faith a bond of society, that it was solely for the sake of the unprincipled, that they might be held together in some kind of union. As theirs is such a life of business, it was represented as a life of wintry light; and the sensible cold proceeding from them was felt in the foot and knee.

Experientiae Spirituales 3519 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3519. Sacerdotes suos vocabant, sacerdotes mundanos, dicentes quod solum mundani sint, quia domi vivunt sicut alii, ideo non possunt scire quid coeleste sit, nam cum ii qui coelestes esse deberent, vivant sicut ii domi, non eo concludere possunt quod sit apud homines aliquid coeleste: praeterea doctrinam fidei vocabant vinculum societatis, ut sit solum propter viliores, ut teneantur sic conjuncti: vita eorum negotiationis talis est, repraesentata ut quasi vita lucis hyemis, etiam frigidum satis magnum ab iis sentitum in pede et genu.

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