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《灵界经历》 第3522节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3522

3522. They were brought back to life - something that happens in the other life, and it is incredible how this seems to be able to take place - and their life appeared as a shining light, like the life of the one spoken of before [3430-3431], who said he was nothing. It is a life without love - of these latter because they are immersed in earthly matters, having no love toward the neighbor - of the former one because he would not acknowledge faith, nor the word love [3432- 44]. So it is a life without love that is portrayed by that kind of shining light. Let into that light the life comes to view, when they are let into the life of their business activities, or into the state of thinking in which they had been when every undertaking was meeting with success.

[2] I felt a chill around the left side of my head, which was the coldness of that life. But they claimed that they did not feel the cold, because they were engrossed in their own delights, and in the feeling of them, saying they were in their heaven, the warmth of them was communicated to me, affecting the left side of my forehead and my left cheek. But I was informed that their life is turned into ice, and the splendor of their life into miseries, thus all things into their opposite. For until this happens they cannot be affected by spiritual, much less by heavenly things. 1748, 10 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3522

3522. They were remitted into their life, which, however incredible, is still done in the other world, and their life appeared like a whitish light, similar to that of the person spoken of above, who said that he was nothing; and it is a life without love of these latter, in naturals, because they have no love towards the neighbor - of him, because he would not acknowledge faith nor [admit] the word love. Thus it is a life without love, which is represented by such a whitish light. This kind of appearance ensues when they are remitted into the life of their business and the state of their thoughts when affairs were prosperous with them. A cold was perceived about the left region of the head, which was the cold of that kind of life; but they remarked that they did not feel the cold, because they were in their delights and the affection thereof, saying that they were in their heaven, from whence their heat was communicated to me, which affected the left region of the forehead, and the left cheek. But it was given to me to know that their life is turned into an icy coldness, and the splendor of their life into misery, thus all things into their contraries; for they cannot otherwise be affected by spiritual much less by heavenly things. - 1748, October 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3522 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3522. Missi sunt in vitam, quod fit in altera vita, et incredibile est, quod videatur ita posse fieri, nempe vita eorum apparuit instar lucis candentis, sicut vita ejus, de quo prius [3430-3431], qui dicebat se nihil esse, estque vita absque amore, horum in naturalibus, quod nullum amorem habeant erga proximum, illius quod non agnosceret fidem, nec vocem amoris [3432, 3444], ita est vita absque amore quae per lucem talem candentem repraesentata est; in eam lucem missi, sic apparet, cum mittuntur in vitam negotiationum suarum, seu in cogitationum statum in quo fuerunt, cum omnia iis succederent: perceptum circa sinistram partem capitis frigus, quod erat frigus istius vitae; sed ii dicebant quod non sentirent frigus, quia erant in delitiis suis, et earum affectione, dicentes quod in suomet coelo essent, inde eorum calor communicatus mecum, afficiebat sinistram partem frontis tum genam sinistram: sed datum est mihi scire, quod vita eorum vertatur in gelu, et splendidum eorum vitae in miserias, sic omnia in contrarium, nam prius non affici possunt spiritualibus, minus coelestibus. 1748, 10 Oct.

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