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《灵界经历》 第3528节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3528

3528. Since therefore this is how things stand, i.e. that two angels rule the inward regions of the human being, and at the same time rule the spirits who induce passions and imagine they are that person; especially since it is the condition of things in general and particular, that evil spirits bring in, and are, as it were, active forces, while good spirits or angels are defending ones, it therefore follows - while the world of spirits is filled with so many evil spirits bringing in evil, whose mediums they are within the person - that the good spirits or angels can no longer resist it, and the balance is being lost. This is the very condition we read of concerning the consummation of the nations [Matt. 24:3 {ign17}] - namely, when evil is beginning to vanquish, or rather to drive away good. At that time if the good should draw back, it would be finished with humanity. That the good cannot resist except with the direct intervention of the Lord, I have been shown now and then.

[2] But direct help is not in accordance with order, for order requires that there be a balance of all things. When the balance perishes, then the last times are coming, and that they are at hand can be gathered from various things in my experience. For today there is such an abundance of evil spirits, bearing so much malice, that it is incredible. They can indeed all be driven off by a tiny child, but then the evil ones come into such torments and such a dreadful hell that it cannot be otherwise but that they would suffer more severe torments than would be conducive to their amendment and reform. 1748, 10 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3528

3528. Since then the state of things is such that two angels govern the interiors of man and at the same time rule the spirits who induce cupidities and think that they are the man; and especially since the state of things is such in general and in particular that evil spirits flow in so strongly as to have become acting powers, while good spirits or angels are mere resisting powers; it thence follows, that the world of spirits is filled with the spirits of evil, who infuse into man the evil of their own nature, and that to such a degree that good spirits and angels are scarce able to resist it any longer, and thus the equilibrium is in danger of perishing, which is the same thing with the predicted consummation of the Gentiles; for when evil begins to conquer, or rather to drive away good, if good spirits then recede, the case of the human race becomes hopeless. But that good spirits cannot resist without the immediate help of the Lord, has been abundantly shown me; yet immediate help is not according to order, for order requires that there should be an equilibrium of all things; and when the equilibrium perishes, then the last times have arrived. That this crisis is at hand may be gathered from various things in my experience; for at this day the throng of evil spirits is so immense, and their malignity so great, as to be incredible. They could indeed all of them be driven away by the slightest force, and even by the power of an infant, but in that case the evil come into such tortures, and into such a hell, that it could not otherwise be than that they should endure severer pains than would be conducive to their amendment and reformation. - 1748, October 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3528 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3528. Cum itaque talis status sit, quod angeli bini regant interiora hominis, et regant simul spiritus, qui inferunt cupiditates et putant se hominem esse; cumprimis quia talis status est in communi et particulari, quod mali spiritus inferant, et sint quasi vires agentes, et boni spiritus seu angeli sint defendentes, inde sequitur, dum mundus spirituum impletus sit tot malis spiritibus, qui malum inferunt, cujus subjecta sunt, qui penes hominem, quod amplius boni spiritus seu angeli non resistere possint, sed pereat aequilibrium, quod idem est, ac legitur de gentium consummatione [Matth. XXIV: 3 seqq.], nempe cum malum incipiat vincere seu potius abigere bonum, tunc si recederent boni, actum foret de humano genere; quod boni non resistere queant, nisi per immediatam Domini opem, passim mihi ostensum; sed immediatum auxilium non est secundum ordinem, nam ordo requirit, ut sit aequilibrium omnium, pereunte aequilibrio, tunc ultima tempora veniunt; quae quod instent, concludi potest, ex variis apud me; nam hodie tanta spirituum malorum copia est, et tanta malitia, ut incredibile sit: possunt quidem omnes minima vi etiam per infantulum abigi, sed tunc veniunt mali in tales cruciatus et in tale infernum, ut nusquam aliter fiat, quam quod sustinerent plures cruciatus, quam iis emendandis et reformandis conduceret. 1748, 10 Oct.

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