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《灵界经历》 第3527节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3527

3527. I will only mention that they were told that they in no case had a mind to change anything that is true and good, such as what they truly and rightly believe - as that the Lord rules the universe, this being indeed their doctrine of faith and that of others - for He Himself declared that all power has been given to Him in heaven and on the earth [Matt. 28:18]. That they are nothing, this also is well known to them, and that they must put aside the old person, which must die together with its own pleasures and lusts, so that the new person may arise; then also, that the life of all is the Lord, for they pray and teach, that the Lord may rule all their thoughts, words and actions. It is also well known that they also claim to believe that faith is all-important, and then that love of the neighbor is the primary law, and that love is therefore all in all and the least things of heaven, and consequently in faith. And because the Lord is the only love and therefore Mercy, the Lord rules the universe, and faith belongs to love and consequently to Him. 1748, 10 Oct. Thus neither are their business activities condemned.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3527

3527. I will only say that there was in no case a disposition to change anything true and good, as [being] what they truly and rightly believe, as that the Lord rules the universe, which is the doctrine of faith with them and others, for the Lord Himself said that all power was given to Him in heaven and earth; it is also known to them that they are nothing; that they ought to put off the old man, which is to die with its pleasures and lusts, that the new man may rise; as also that the Lord Himself is the all of life, for they pray and teach that all their thoughts, words, and actions may be governed by the Lord. It is known moreover that they say they believe that faith is everything, that the love of the neighbor is the principal law, and that thus love is in all and each of the things of heaven, and also in faith; and as the Lord is the only love and thence compassion, that the Lord rules the universe, and that faith is of love and therefore of Him. - 1748, October 10. Consequently their businesses are not condemned.

Experientiae Spirituales 3527 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3527. Solum quod iis dictum est, quod nusquam mens sit mutare quicquam quod verum et bonum est, sicut quod vere et bene credunt, ut quod Dominus regat universum, hoc quoque eorum aliorumque doctrina fidei est, nam Dominus Ipse dixit, quod Ipsi data omnis potestas in coelo et in terra [Matth. XXVIII: 18] : quod nihil sint, hoc quoque notum iis est, quod exuere debeant veterem hominem, quod is moriturus cum suis voluptatibus et cupiditatibus, ut novus homo exsurgat; tum quod vita omnium Dominus, nam orant et docent, ut Dominus regat omnia eorum cogitata, verba, et actus; notum est, quod etiam dicant se credere, quod fides omne sit, et sic quod amor proximi sit principalis lex, et quod amor sic omne in omnibus et singulis coeli sit, sic in fide: et quia Dominus est unicus amor et inde Misericordia, quod Dominus regat universum, et quod fides sit amoris, proinde Ipsius. 1748, 10 Oct. Ita nec negotiationes eorum damnantur.

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