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《灵界经历》 第3532节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3532

3532. As for their speech, many of them, and all who came together, were kept speaking simultaneously, but roughly. Therefore, so that there would be no disharmony of their inward with their outward parts, they are kept speaking strictly at the same time, not one differently from the other, even though there is no society, but all still saying and thinking the same things. In this way they are initiated.

Later I heard also from those nearer to the side and others like them speaking aloud in concert or in a spiralling manner, but a rougher one, then also a quicker one, causing them to be initiated so as to be able to be in societies of angelic spirits, and so on.

[2] Their conscience and perception of goodness was communicated to me, namely, their marital love, which was such that they loved one another mutually as married partners, but it was simple, and what it feels like I am unable to describe on account of its rough simplicity. I spoke with them about marriage love and they said they did no know whether the partner loved them - somewhat, they said - but from a sense communicated to me I was granted to learn that they indeed loved them, and if they did not abhor adulteries, yet they abstained from them because of a certain law of conscience that they now declare they did not know of - only that they had not desired them, and were therefore unable to commit them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3532

3532. As to what relates to their speech, many of them, indeed all that came together, were prompted to speak simultaneously, and no one any different from another, although there was no society; still all spoke and thought alike, which made them better capable of being initiated I afterwards heard from these and others like them, who were nearer the side, a sonorous speech in society or choir, but somewhat hoarser; then a quicker one, indicating that they could shortly be initiated and come into concert with the societies of good spirits, and afterwards, when duly instructed, with the societies of angelic spirits, and so onwards. Their conscience and perception of good was communicated to me, and especially their conjugial love, which was such that they loved each other mutually, like married partners, but it was so extremely simple that I know not how to describe the perception of it. I spoke with them of conjugial love, and they said that they knew not whether their wives loved them. They conversed only partly by speech, yet from the perception communicated to me, it was given to know that they really loved. And if they did not abhor adulteries, yet they abstained from them from a certain law of conscience, which they now say they do not know, only that they had no inclination that way, and consequently no power.

Experientiae Spirituales 3532 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3532. Quod eorum loquelam attinet, tenebantur multi, et omnes qui simul venerunt, simul loqui, sed crasse, sic ne dissideant eorum interiora ab exterioribus, tenentur statim simul loqui, non unus aliter ac alius, quamvis nulla societas, sed usque omnes eadem loqui et cogitare, ut sic initiarentur: postea audivi quoque ab iis et talibus, qui propius lateri, loquelam sonoram in societate seu gyro, sed crassiorem: tum quoque celeriorem, sic ut per paucum temporis initientur, ut esse possint in societatibus spirituum bonorum; postea cum instructi in societatibus spirituum angelicorum, et sic porro: eorum conscientia et perceptio boni communicata mihi, nempe amor eorum conjugialis, qui talis erat ut se amarent mutuo, sicut conjuges, sed erat simplex, ejus perceptionem non describere possum ob simplicitatem rudem, loquutus cum iis, de amore conjugiali, et dicebant se nescire an conjux amaret se, partim dicebant, sed ex perceptione mecum communicata nosse datum quod amaverint, et adulteria si non abhorruerint, usque ab iis abstinuerint ex lege quadam conscientiae quam nunc dicunt se non scire, modo quod non voluerint, et inde non potuerint.

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