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《灵界经历》 第3535节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3535

3535. Those treacherous spirits were with me wanting to infuse their poisons concerning the Lord, as those usually do who are made up of nothing but offences. To these I was prompted to say in order to convince them, that it suffices that the Lord is the Father, and thus one, as He Himself declared [John 10:30]; and it is most clearly evident that from Him is Innocence, from Him is Peace, from Him is Mercy, from Him is mutual love, from Him is the Good and the True, all of Which are Divine, and that about Him Moses and the Prophets spoke, that Him all the rites of the figurative Church portrayed about all of which I am now convinced, what more could they want? Nor were they able to give any reply. 1748, 11 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3535

3535. Some of those insidious spirits wished to instill into me their poisonous suggestions concerning the Lord, as those are accustomed to do who are made up, as it were, of mere scandals; but it was given to say to them what might suffice for their conviction - that the Lord was the Father, and thus one, as he Himself said, which might evidently appear from this, that from Him is Innocence, from Him Peace, from Him Mercy, from Him Mutual Love, from Him Goodness and Truth, all which are divine. Of Him Moses and the Prophets [wrote], and He was represented by all the typical rites of the Church; and as I was fully convinced and persuaded on all these points, what would they have more? They were unable to make any reply. - 1748, October 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 3535 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3535. Insidiosi isti apud me [erant] de Domino infundere volentes venena, sicut solent tales qui ex meris scandalis compositi sunt, quibus dicere datum, quod sufficiat pro convincendis, quod Dominus sit Pater, et sic unus, sicut Ipse dixit [Joh. X: 30], et hoc evidentissime constare potest, quod ex Ipso Innocentia, ex Ipso Pax, ex Ipso Misericordia, ex Ipso amor mutuus, ex Ipso Bonum et Verum, Quae omnia Divina, de Ipso Moses et Prophetae, quod Ipsum repraesentaverint omnes ritus Ecclesiae repraesentativae, de quibus cum convictus et nunc persuasus sim, quid tunc amplius velint? Nec quicquam respondere potuerunt. 1748, 11 Oct.

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