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《灵界经历》 第3534节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3534

3534. About certain extremely cunning spirits

Toward the front a little higher up before the left eye, there are spirits globed together who operated treacherously in the dark - more treacherously than others. About them it is permitted me for the time being to mention only this one fact that I know from experience, namely, that they periodically send out those who set traps, whom they inspire as their mediums through whom they operate so treacherously that nothing more treacherous could be imagined. They impersonate others, besides other deceptions as yet unknown to me.

[2] They seek especially to lay snares against marriage love, consequently against inward and very inward, thus against spiritual and heavenly qualities. Their mediums ran out to a considerable distance, and when they have accomplished their purpose, they return and report. But they do not dare to send their mediums to me and hold me, as they do to others. 1748, 11 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3534


A little before the left eye, and somewhat elevated in front, were gathered together in a kind of globe, those of such a quality that they act insidiously in secret, far more so than others, concerning whom it is permitted on this occasion to relate barely the fact, that they continually send forth insidious emissaries, whom they inspire as subjects, and who act with a subtlety that cannot be exceeded, simulating other persons, and practicing various deceits hitherto unknown to me. They especially practice their arts against conjugial love, thence against interior and more interior [principles], and so against those that are spiritual and celestial. Their subjects go forth to a considerable distance, and then return and report [their proceedings]. Some of them, like other [i. e. like good societies] dared to send their subjects to me, and to hold [me for a while under their influence]. - 1748, October 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 3534 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3534. De quibusdam callidissimis

Antrorsum superius paulo ante sinistrum oculum sunt conglobati tales, qui in obscuro agunt insidiose, et insidiosius aliis, de quibus hoc solum pro tempore ab experientia memorare licet, quod emittant passim eos qui insidiantur, quos ut subjecta inspirant, per quos ita insidiose agunt, ut vix insidiosius, simulant personas alias, praeter dolos adhuc mihi ignotos, insidiantur imprimis contra amorem conjugialem, proinde contra interiora et intimiora, ita contra spiritualia et coelestia: subjecta eorum excurrunt ad distantiam, et cum insidias suas peregerint, redeunt, et nuntiant, sed subjecta sua ad me [non] audent sicut alii mittere, et tenere. 1748, 11 Oct.

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