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《灵界经历》 第3541节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3541

3541. About the conviction of certain spirits

There was one who entered into me with a conviction, trying by that means to bring evil upon me. He was thrust down toward the lower parts, because that kind of persuasion is not permitted. It was investigated where he came from, and spirits overhead were discovered who were of that character, who appeared with rays shooting out of their eyes that were being bent toward the back - but not such long ones as those shown before [3403] when a spirit was in a state of persuasion, or as those of the antediluvians, who were equipped with similar stinger-like rays, albeit longer ones.

Such are they who in the life of the body had been successful in everything, and were therefore convinced that they would succeed in anything they undertook, if they only tried. When these are evil ones, they likewise imagine in the other life that whatever they try will succeed, and they have indeed acquired that conviction. Some of them then bring persuasions on others by magic, as was done in this case. In doing so they change or vary the aura of the person to whom they are coming, as you may find described above regarding the people before the flood [cf. 3405, 3413].

Those overhead spoke out their thought that they could do all things by their persuasions, pouring them into others' [minds]. Their persuasive aura was stretched out and seen to be superficial, and to be of no avail against inward qualities, much less, able to corrupt those who have faith. It is in the category of magical arts; but such spirits are expelled from societies. 1748, 12 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3541


There was a certain spirit who entered into me with his persuasion, and attempted by means of it to do me injury. He was thrust down below, because such persuasion is not permitted. Exploration was made thence, and those who were above the head were found to be of this character, and they appeared to have rays shooting out of their eyes, which were bent backwards, but not extending so far as in the case of those who had been previously exhibited in [the strength of their] persuasion, or as in that of the antediluvians, who were distinguished by such pointed emanations, though longer. Such are those who in the life of the body had succeeded in all their undertakings, and hence had acquired the persuasion, that let them attempt what they would, they would succeed in it. When such persons are evil, they believe confidently, in the other life, that whatever they engage in, they will succeed in it, and are in the full persuasion [of this]; and certain great ones induce upon others the persuasion, as is done here also, when they are [themselves] in the persuasion. They then modify and vary the sphere of the one to whom they come, as may be seen in what has been previously said of the antediluvians. Those who were above the head said, as they believed, that they could pour forth their persuasions upon others, and effect anything by means of them. The sphere of their persuasion was widely extended, and it was perceived as being external, so that they had no power against interior things, still less that they were able to pervert those that were in faith. This faculty is among magical arts, but they are expelled from societies. - 1748, October 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3541 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3541. De persuasione quorundam

Erat quidam qui cum persuasione in me intrabat, et mihi malum inferre conatus cum persuasione, is detrusus versus inferiora, quia talis persuasio non permittitur, exploratum unde, et inventi qui supra caput, quod ibi tales essent, qui apparebant ex radiis ex oculis, qui retrorsum flectebantur, sed non ita longi, ut ii qui prius ostensi [3404, cum spiritus] in persuasione fuerit, seu sicut antediluviani, qui talibus aculeis sed longioribus praediti erant: tales sunt, quibus in vita corporis successerunt omnia, et inde persuasi, quod quicquid facerent, iis succederet, modo conarentur, tales cum mali sunt, putant in altera vita omne quod conantur, iis succedere, et quidem in persuasione sunt, et quidam magice sic persuasiones aliis inducunt, sicut hic factum; cum in persuasione sunt, tunc alterant seu variant sphaeram ejus, ad quem veniunt, sicut de antediluvianis prius videas [cf. 3405, 3[413] ; ii qui supra caput, loquuti, et id putarunt, quod omnia per persuasiones possent, et persuasiones aliis infundere. Persuasionis eorum sphaera extensa, et percepta quod esset externa, tum quod nihil usquam possent contra interiora, minus eos pervertere, qui sunt in fide. Est inter artes magicas; sed expelluntur e societatibus. 1748, 12 Oct.

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