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《灵界经历》 第3403节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3403

3403. and incredible to others that such a thing can be done.

Hence we may conclude that there are spirits who can arouse out of the mental imagery of others things the thinker is not at all aware of, as was confirmed to me earlier by those who saw dung when I was paying no attention to it [2843]; and that there are other spirits who arouse from any mental image whatever, the things that are agreeable to them and their nature, as I have observed frequently before. So there are spirits who arouse anything whatever in a person's mental image - some the nearest things, some more remote things, some the most remote, some also the resulting circumstances.

This spirit was the kind to raise up only people known to me, emerging from my mental image, and far from me, but not those nearby, that is, about whom I was thinking.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3403

3403. Hence may be concluded that there are spirits who can excite such things from the ideas of others, as the thinker is never aware of it, as was previously confirmed to me from those who saw excrements when I was not giving heed, and that there are other spirits who excite from every idea whatever such things as are suitable to them and their nature, as has been often observed previously. Wherefore spirits are given, who excite all things, whatsoever that are in man's idea: some, proximate things; some, the more remote things; some, even things that follow after [consequentia]. This was such a one that he only excited men that I knew, and thus that flowed from the idea and were remote, but not the next ones, that is, those of whom I thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 3403 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3403. [vide 3402]

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