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《灵界经历》 第3544节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3544

3544. There are among them those who are spiritual, and those who are heavenly. The spiritual are recognized by a kind of harsh tone, who are more vehement in character and quicker to break out as it were in indignation if they notice anything against truth and goodness. They like to correct, but they are not allowed to do more than break out and desire [to correct], for they do not yet understand. I have several times heard and seen these types harshly interrupting as if with rapidly flapping wings, and trying to speak, indignantly indeed, saying that the others are speaking something not true and they themselves are not being allowed to set a matter straight about which they are in the know. But because they are not yet allowed, they are at once restrained.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3544

3544. Some of them are of a spiritual, and some of a celestial genius. The spiritual are known by a certain crackling tone of voice, as they are smarter, and break out more hastily into a kind of indignation when they perceive anything contrary to goodness and truth, which they wish to correct; but it is not granted them to do anything more than thus to break out and to will, for they do not yet understand. I have several times witnessed this peculiar ebullition, as if by a sort of winged darting forth, when they wished to utter their indignation because others did violence to the truth, and because it was not allowed them to declare the fact as they knew it to be; but as this is not yet permitted them, they are immediately restrained.

Experientiae Spirituales 3544 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3544. Sunt qui spirituales inter eos sunt, quique coelestes, qui spirituales cognoscuntur a stridulo quodam sono, qui incitatiores sunt, et celerius erumpunt quasi cum indignatione, si aliquid contra verum et bonum percipiunt, sic volunt emendare, sed iis non conceditur quam ita erumpere et velle, quia nondum intelligunt: aliquoties tales audivi et vidi, quod stridule sicut alatis vibratiunculis citis erumpant, et volunt loqui, et quidem ex indignatione, quod loquantur alii non verum, et quod non dicere liceat iis quomodo se res habet, quam sciunt, sed quia iis nondum conceditur, illico retinentur.

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