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《灵界经历》 第3545节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3545

3545. That they are instructed by the angels, thus in heaven, was declared to me, and that they grow up to be much more heavenly and spiritual than others, was shown by the case of one who had died many years before, in early childhood [3146], and now as an adult like ourselves, he spoke. He spoke from such love with his brother, from such brotherly mutual love, that he moved his [brother's] inward parts to the point where he could not keep from crying, because, as he said later, it was love itself speaking. Such do little children become when they grow up. And it is they who are nearest to the Lord. 1748, 12 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3545

3545. That they are instructed by angels, or in heaven, was declared to me, as also that they grow; and that they become more celestial and spiritual than others, appeared from the case of one who had died in infancy some years before, and had now become adult as we are. He spoke with his brother from the promptings of mutual and fraternal love, and so moved his interiors that he could not refrain from tears, because, as he afterwards said, it was love itself that spoke. Such are infants while growing up, and they are those who are nearest to the Lord. - 1748, October 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3545 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3545. Quod instruantur ii ex angelis, seu in coelo, mihi dictum, et quod adolescant, et fiant aliis multo coelestiores et spiritualiores, constabat a quodam [3146], qui ante plures annos infans mortuus nunc ut nos adultus, loquutus, qui loquutus ex tali amore cum fratre, ex amore mutuo fraterno, ut moveret ejus interiora, sic ut non resistere potuisset, quin fleret, quia ut postea dixit, non erat nisi ipse amor qui loquebatur; tales fiunt infantes, dum adolescunt; sunt ii, qui Domino proximi sunt. 1748, 12 Oct.

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