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《灵界经历》 第3546节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3546

3546. The world of spirits cannot bear [the presence of] a single angel without taking flight

There were spirits around me - not evil ones - but a single angel who had deceased in early childhood, who was a prince son. He came my way, and on arriving was told by me that now the spirits would flee away, because I realized they could not stand his aura. And this did happen, the spirits moved away to a distance, to betake themselves outside of, or to the boundary of his aura - for they were not evil.

This shows that a single little child, or a single angel, is able to drive away myriads of spirits, in fact the whole world of spirits, for they cannot bear the aura of mutual love, and yet I discerned that his aura was so tempered by association with others, that it did not have much effect. 1748, 12 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3546


There were spirits around me not of an evil order, and when one angel, who deceased in infancy - the son of a prince - came to me, I remarked to him that the spirits would fly, as it was perceived that they could not stand against his sphere, which accordingly happened, for the spirits removed themselves to a distance, that they might get without his sphere, or place themselves within its outer border, as they were not evil. Hence it may appear that one infant, or one angel, can drive away myriads of spirits, nay the whole world of spirits, for they cannot sustain the sphere of mutual love, and yet it was perceived that his sphere was tempered by the consociation of others, so that it had comparatively little power - 1748, October 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3546 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3546. Quod mundus spirituum non unum angelum sustinere possint, quin aufugiant

Erant spiritus circum me, non mali, sed unus angelus, qui decessit in infantia, qui princeps filius, is venit huc, et cum venit ei dictum a me, quod sic spiritus aufugerent, quia perceptum quod sphaeram ejus non possent sustinere, quod etiam factum, quod spiritus se elongarent, sic ut extra sphaeram [se] conferrent seu in termino sphaerae, quia non mali erant: sic constare potuit, quod unus infans, seu unus angelus possit myriades spirituum, imo totum mundum spirituum expellere; nam non sustinent sphaeram mutui amoris, et usque perceptum, quod sphaera ejus ita temperata esset a consociatione aliorum, ut non multam efficaciam haberet. 1748, 12 Oct.

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