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《灵界经历》 第3551节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3551

3551. After being lifted up, those arising through the province of the right foot were heard speaking, but from whose speech I could perceive scarcely anything living, and what there was of life was so scanty that I thought they were about to die. They spoke as if lifeless statues were being compelled to speak, and I almost began to give up hope that any life would remain in them for long.

The ones who had risen up through the left foot spoke in a not much different fashion, but with a difference as to what should be the spiritual quality - that is, that there was in them hardly any spiritual life. I could feel the difference from the sound. For them also I almost began to lose hope that they could live, for it was as if they were carved figures being compelled to speak, in which there was nothing living. The latter as well as the former were speaking at the back from above.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3551

3551. After theme were thus raised, those who ascended through the province of the right foot were heard speaking, but from their speech I could scarcely perceive anything vital; indeed so extremely feeble was it that I should have supposed they were at the point of death. They spoke almost as if life-less statues had been compelled to speak, wherefore I began to despair of any life remaining in them. Those that ascended through the left foot spoke very similarly, yet with the difference that pertains to what is spiritual, viz. that there seemed to be scarcely any spiritual life in them, which difference could be perceived from the sound. Concerning these I began also to despair of their being able to live, for they were like sculptured statues compelled to speak, in which there is nothing vital. Both companies spoke from behind above.

Experientiae Spirituales 3551 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3551. Postquam elevati, auditi ii qui per provinciam dextri pedis surrexerunt, loquentes, ex quorum loquela vix aliquid vitale potui percipere, et quod erat tam pusillum erat, ut putarem, quod morituri; loquuti quasi adigerent statuas exanimes loqui, fere desperare incepi, num remaneret iis diu vita; qui per sinistrum pedem surrexerunt, vix dissimiliter loquuti, sed cum differentia quale solet esse spirituale, quod nempe vix iis ulla spiritualis vita inesset, quae differentia potuit percipi, ex sono, de iis quoque desperare fere incepi, quod potuissent vivere, nam quasi erant, qui adigerentur sicut sculptilia loqui, in quibus nihil vitale. Loquebantur hi et illi a tergo superne.

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