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《灵界经历》 第3552节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3552

3552. But presently I heard that they were being let into a certain kind of whirling activity, being thus sent into a society of good spirits, and angelic spirits, who take care of those who they are almost convinced would die unless they would pour life into them. This they did with so eagerly and so carefully that it is almost indescribable, nor did they allow themselves to tire [of the task], but constantly strained to stir them, which stirring was like a rough whirling, together with the usual sound.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3552

3552. But I presently heard that they were forced into a certain species of activity, to wit, of a choral kind [gyrationis], thus into a society of good and angelic spirits, who made them the objects of their peculiar care, and who were almost persuaded that they would be incapable of motion, unless they infused life into them; and this they attempted with an earnestness and solicitude which cannot be described; nor did they suffer themselves to weary in this work, but continually labored to agitate them by a sort of rough gyration, attended with the usual sound.

Experientiae Spirituales 3552 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3552. Sed mox audivi, quod in quandam speciem activitatis missi, quasi gyrationis, sic quod in societatem spirituum bonorum, et angelicorum, qui eorum curam haberent, qui fere persuasi quod morerentur, nisi iis infunderent vitam, quod etiam tanto studio et tam sollicite egerunt, ut vix describi potest, nec passi se defatigari, sed continuo allaborant eos sic agitare, quae agitatio erat quasi crassa gyratio cum sono solito.

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