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《灵界经历》 第3556节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3556

3556. I could not have marveled enough, at how diligently the good spirits, the angelic spirits, and the angels, strove untiringly to instill life into them; but they, with the greatest zeal were carrying out what is realized to be from the Lord Alone, Who not only inspired the angels with such an intense zeal and affection, together with delight, but also instilled those spirits with life. For they resemble death itself, and can be said to have been thus resuscitated from no life into some, and then into spiritual and heavenly life. 1748, 13 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3556

3556. I could not sufficiently wonder [to see] how solicitously the good and angelic spirits, as also the angels, strove to infuse life into them. Far from being wearied, they labored [in the task] with the most strenuous endeavor, which was perceived to be from the Lord alone, who not only insinuated into the angels such a studious effort, coupled with an affectionate delight, but who also insinuated life into these [semi-animate spirits]; for they were [in a condition] similar to death, so that they could be said to be resuscitated from no life into life, and thus into that which is spiritual and celestial. - 1748, October 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3556 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3556. Non satis mirari potui, quam sollicite spiritus boni, et angelici, tum angeli iis vitam infundere studerent, sic ut non defatigarentur, sed illud summo studio agerent, quod percipitur, quod a Solo Domino, Qui tam angelis insinuavit studium tam impensum, et affectionem cum delectatione, sed etiam qui iis vitam insinuavit; nam morti erant similes, ita resuscitati dici queant a nulla vita in aliquam, et sic in spiritualem ac coelestem. 1748, 13 Oct.

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