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《灵界经历》 第356节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 356

356. A thousand and tens of thousands together praise God the Messiah with one mouth

For much of the night a multitude of spirits was around me, and afterwards a multitude of angels, flowing in accordance with a heavenly pattern that cannot be described to the human understanding; still less can it be described how they move, and speak with one mouth, or with a unanimous voice. This was so perceptible within me, and indeed for so long a time uninterruptedly, that as they speak, nothing could be more clearly witnessed: I saw the pattern, I felt the flow, I heard the unanimity of voice. Each spirit is, and affirms that he is, part of the multitude, thus all together and each one singly, or [all] collectively and [each] individually.

From their flow, one can also sense whether they are as yet initiated to such an extent that they can reach a similar unanimity in respect to spiritual and heavenly truths as well; so that afterwards, there were perhaps tens of thousands of angels around me and indeed, for a long time, whose flow, while perceptible, was nevertheless of such a kind that I could not but assume that they were streaming in an inward heavenly pattern, 1since I could not perceive any flow in a very inward pattern.

Afterwards they told me that through the entire night, and several wakeful periods, they were doing nothing else but praising God the Messiah, and doing so with an innermost gladness of heart, so they had not wanted to be let out of that state.

From this, one can gather that unanimity is the result of a harmonious configuration; besides other conclusions one could draw from it. [Cf. 289-89 1/2.] 1747, 16 December.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 356


For a great part of the night there was a multitude of spirits about me, and afterwards a multitude of angels, who flow according to the heavenly form, which form can by no means be described to the human understanding, still less how they flow; and they speak as a one, or with a unanimous voice, which was so perceptible with me, and indeed for a long time in continuation, that as they are speaking nothing is more evident: the form was perceived, the flow was perceived, the unanimity of the voice was perceived. Each one is in the multitude, and considers himself to be: so do all and each, or in general and particular. It can be perceived from their flow, whether they are as yet so initiated that they are also able to act with similar unanimity in spiritual and celestial truths. Wherefore afterwards there were angels around me - perhaps myriads - and this for some time, whose flow was indeed perceptible, but such that I could know no more than that they were flowing in an interior heavenly form; the flow of the more interior form could not be perceived. These angels afterwards told me that throughout the whole night and during some wakeful states they had done nothing else than together praise God Messiah, and indeed with an inmost gladness, so that they were unwilling to be let out of that state. Hence it can be concluded that unanimity results from the harmony of form, besides many more things which can thence be concluded. 1747, Dec. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 356 (original Latin 1748-1764)

356. Quod mille et myriades simul uno ore collaudent Deum Messiam

Per multum noctis circum me erat multitudo spirituum, et postea multitudo angelorum, qui secundum coelestem formam fluunt, quae forma describi ad intellectum humanum nequit, minus quomodo fluunt, ac uno [ore] seu unanima voce loquuntur, quod tam perceptibile penes me fuit, et quidem diu in continuatione, ut sicut loquantur, nihil testatius: forma percepta, fluxio percepta, vocis unanimitas percepta, unusquisque est in multitudine, et autumat se esse, ita omnes et singuli, seu in communi et particulari; ex fluxu eorum percipi potest, num adhuc ita sint, ut queant etiam in veris spiritualibus et coelestibus similem unanimitatem agere; quare angeli postmodum, forte myriades circum me erant, et quidem diu, quorum fluxus quidem perceptibilis erat, sed talis, ut nihil scire potuerim, quam quod fluerent in forma interiori coelesti, intimioris 1

formae fluxus, non potuit percipi; postea mihi dicebant, quod per integram noctem, et aliquot vigilias, nihil aliud egerint, quam quod collaudarint Deum Messiam, et quidem cum intima eorum laetitia, sic ut e statu illo non voluerint emitti; inde concludi potest quod unanimitas ex formae harmonia resultet, praeter plura quae inde concludi possunt. 1747, 16 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has intimiois

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