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《灵界经历》 第355节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 355

355. About the form of spirits

Spirits do not sense otherwise that that they are equipped with a human figure, thus with a body, skin, bones, blood (when yet it was shown them that they cannot retain things which are of no use), that they have hair, feet to stand on, and more; from which it would also follow that they have the inner parts, such as a stomach, intestines, bladder, etc., for which, however, they have no need.

When they hear all this, they do realize that they have no need of them, and yet [they see] that they retain their figure, if not an inner one, still an outer one; and in fact, they retain the shame of nakedness from the world, so that they think they are dressed in clothes, considering it a disgrace to appear naked.

Although it is really not known what their actual form is, one can nevertheless deduce this much from the most minute organs of the brain, where the beginnings of the body's form lie: that spirits are forms not unlike those [minute organs], but can still be restored to a form similar to the human one, whenever they focus the thoughts of their mind upon it. 1747, the 15th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 355


Spirits perceive no otherwise than that they are in the human figure, thus that they are in a body with skin, bones and blood, when nevertheless it was shown them that they cannot retain those things which are of no use; as they suppose that they have hair, that they have feet upon which they stand, and many other things, whence it would follow that they also have viscera, such as belly, intestines, bladder and the like, for which, nevertheless, they have no need. When they hear these things they indeed perceive that they have no need of them, but still [suppose] that they retain the figure - if not the internal, still the external; and indeed they retain from the world a shame of nakedness and therefore suppose that they are clothed with garments, for they suppose it disgraceful to appear naked. But of what quality is this form properly is indeed unknown; but it can be concluded in some measure from the least organs of the brain, where are the beginnings of the form of the body; that they are forms not dissimilar to them, but that they can still be restored into a form similar to the human, as often as they direct their mind to it by thoughts. 1747, Dec. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 355 (original Latin 1748-1764)

355. De forma spirituum

Spiritus non aliud percipiunt quam quod humana figura [praediti] sint, ita quod corpore, cum cute, ossibus, sanguine, cum tamen iis ostensum, quod ea quae nullius usus sint, retinere nequeant, ut quod crines habeant, quod pedes, quibus insisterent, quod plura, unde sequeretur etiam quod viscera, sicut ventrem 1

, intestina, vesicam 2

, et similia 3

, quibus tamen non opus habent, haec cum audiunt, quidem percipiunt quod non opus habeant, sed usque quod figuram retineant, si non internam, usque externam, et quidem retinent pudorem nuditatis e mundo, quod 4

ideo vestibus putent se indui, nam turpe putant nudos apparere; verum qualis forma sit, propria, quidem ignoratur, sed usque ab organis minimis cerebri, ubi principia formae corporis sunt, aliquantum concludi potest, quod formae sint non iis absimiles, sed quod usque in similem humanae queant restitui, quoties in id per cogitationes dirigunt mentem. 1747, die 15 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has venter

2. The Manuscript has vesica

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has similis

4. hoc est sic ut

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