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《灵界经历》 第3563节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3563

3563. 1Spirits deeply resent being controlled by a person on earth

I have sometimes seen, as I have today also, that spirits deeply begrudge being controlled by a person on earth, so that they become very indignant for the reason that they want to control that person. Also, if a mental image of someone is displayed, as having been a person in the world, they also resent being controlled by him, while if it is a mental image of a spirit, they do not. 1748, 14 Oct.


1. Following the author's instructions, I have placed 3562 after 3560.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3563


I sometimes perceived, as also today, that spirits bear it very ill that they should be ruled by man, and thus are extremely indignant, inasmuch as they desire [on the other hand] to rule man themselves. If also the idea of a man is presented, as that he was a man in the world, they bear it ill that they should be ruled by him; but not so, if that of a spirit. - 1748, October 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 3563 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3563. 1

Quod spiritus aegerrime ferant regi ab homine

Aliquoties percepi, sicut etiam hodie, quod aegerrime ferant spiritus se regi ab homine, sic ut valde indignentur, ex causa, quia regere ii hominem velint. Si quoque idea hominis sistitur, ut quod fuerit in mundo homo, etiam aegre ferunt, quod ab eo regantur, sed si idea spiritus sit, non ita. 1748, 14 Oct.


1. 3562 secundumauctoris indicia post 3560 transpositum est

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