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《灵界经历》 第3571节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3571

3571. Some were therefore let into a state of the conviction belonging to other spirits, that they do not live from themselves, but that life flows in from other spirits, thus from all in common. When they came into that state of mind, they then declared that they could not live that way. From others I sensed a certain anxiety.

From this the conclusion offers itself that if one should come into such a state of mind, which is a state of truth - believing that one does not live from self, but from the life of the Lord, and that the life of the Lord flows in through angels, and at the same time believing that they 1are ruled by spirits - then they would scarcely be able to live, even if they are experimentally convinced, as were these spirits. In short, it would be an extremely anxious existence, and for this reason a human being is permitted to have his or her own life, even if it is a fallacy of the senses. 1748, 14 Oct.


1. At this point the author switches to plural.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3571

3571. Certain persons, who believed that they live from themselves, were let into the state of persuasion in which those are, who believe that they do not live from themselves, but that life flows into them from other spirits, thus, from the community [communi]. When they had come into this state, they said they could not thus live; and I perceived they were tormented with a certain anxiety. From which fact it may be concluded, that if a man, who believes that he lives from himself, and that his life does not flow into him, were to come into such a state, as to be persuaded that he does not live from himself, but from the Lord's life; and that the Lord's life flows into him through angels, and, at the same time, believed that he is governed by spirits, he could scarcely live, although he was scientifically or experimentally persuaded that it is so, as was the case with certain spirits; -in a word, his life would, in the highest degree, be anxious; wherefore, it is permitted that a man should think that his life is his own [inherent in himself] although it is a mere fallacy of the senses. - 1748, October 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 3571 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3571. Quidam ideo missi in statum persuasionis aliorum, quod non a se vivant, sed quod influat vita per alios spiritus, ita ex communi, in quem statum cum venirent, tunc dixerunt, quod ita vivere non possent, anxietatem quandam ab aliis percepi; ex quo concludi potest, si homo in talem statum, qui est status veritatis, veniret, quod crederet se non vivere ex semet, sed ex vita Domini, et quod vita Domini influeret per angelos, et simul quod crederent se regi per spiritus, tunc vix potuissent vivere, tametsi scientifice persuasi, sicut erant spiritus, verbo foret anxia maxime vita, quare permittitur ut homo putet suam vitam habere, tametsi est mera fallacia sensus. 1748, 14 Oct.

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