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《灵界经历》 第3574节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3574

3574. All things have been created from use, and for use

Speaking with angelic spirits by means of mental imagery of thought, I said that nothing whatsoever in the world has been created without a useful purpose and thence a useful effect, thus from use for use. I spoke first about the lungs having been formed for the use of serving every least action, of giving life to the muscles, to the sense organs, and how they apply themselves to the smallest, even to the very least actions. This use of all things had to exist before [creation], and to have been foreseen and provided for, being the purpose, in order that the whole body as to its actions and senses may live. So it is the community that all the individual uses look toward in such a way that those uses are instrumental purposes subservient to the universal purpose, the life of the body.

But the muscles and organs of sense, I added, such as the sight, look toward the common use, namely to the inner sight, so that they also [were created] for use and from use. The inner sight, or the thinking, looks to the common purpose, which is the welfare of society in general and as a whole on earth, for which reason, all thoughts must be uses tending toward that purpose, thus intermediate purposes. Inward thought looks to the common good of society and of societies, and consequently, to that of

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3574


I spoke by ideas of thought with angelic spirits, that nothing was ever created in the world but from an end, whence is use, and from use effect; and thus everything is created from use for use. I spoke first of the lungs, that they were formed for use, being designed to be subservient to particular functions, as first to give life both to the muscles and to the organs of sense, and then to apply themselves to each, yea, the most singular, of the [various] functions. Thus the use of everything is pre-existent, and ought to be foreseen and provided for. The end is that the whole body, as to functions and senses, may live; thus it is a kind of commune, to which every single use has respect, so that uses are mediate ends to a universal use, which is the life of the body. The muscles and organs of sense, as the sight [for instance], have respect to a common use, namely, the internal sight; wherefore they also are for use and from use. Internal sight, or thought, has respect to a common end, which is the good of society in general and in universal over the earth wherefore all things of thought will be uses, and tending to that end, thus [they will be] intermediate ends.

Experientiae Spirituales 3574 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3574. Quod omnia ab usu et ad usum creata sint

Per ideas cogitationis loquutus cum spiritibus angelicis, quod nihil usquam in mundo creatum, quod non ex fine, ut inde usus, et ex usu effectus, et sic ab usu et ad usum, creatum; loquutus primum de pulmonibus, quod ad usum formati sint, ut inserviant singulis actionibus, tum ut vitam dent musculis, tum organis sensus, et quod se applicent ad singula imo singularissima actionum, hic usus omnium praeexistet, et praevisus et provisus debuit esse, finis est, ut totum corpus quoad actiones et sensus vivat, sic est commune, quod singuli usus spectant, ita quod usus sint fines medii, ad finem universalem, qui est vita corporis: quod autem musculi et organa sensus, sicut visus, spectent usum communem, nempe visum internum, quare etiam ii ad usum et ex usu. Visus internus seu cogitatio, spectat finem communem, qui est bonum societatis in communi et universali in terra, quare omnia cogitationis erunt usus ad eum finem tendentes, sic fines intermedii: cogitatio interior spectat commune bonum societatis et societatum, proinde

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