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《灵界经历》 第3575节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3575

3575. the whole world of spirits and of heaven, in the other life, so that the least elements of inward thought look to instrumental uses. Moreover, even in the inanimate and animate world, all things likewise look to use, so as to be of service to mankind in various ways.

Now it is uses, for which all things down to the very least have been formed and which look from within toward outward things. This shows quite sufficiently that the most universal purpose of all is He who arranges all and the least things, and That He who arranges is the Purpose from Whom and to Whom all things tend one after another, and That the Purpose, Who is the Lord, causes all lower purposes and uses to look to Himself, one after another; and that so to look is utterly impossible for them except by His power; and that the purpose is life, is evident from the purpose of each individual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3575

3575. Interior thought has respect to the common good of society and societies, thence of the whole world of spirits and of heaven in the other life, wherefore each and all the things of interior thought have respect to mediate use. In the inanimate and animate world also everything in like manner has regard to use, that they may, in various ways, subserve the interests of man. They are therefore uses, to which each and everything is formed, and from the interior have respect to the exterior. Hence it may sufficiently appear that the most universal End of all is that which disposes all and each and that He who disposes is the end from which and to which everything tends in order, and that the [grand] End, which is the Lord, causes that all inferior ends and uses should have respect to Himself and that nothing can have this respect except what is from Him; and that that End is Life may appear from the ends of each individual man.

Experientiae Spirituales 3575 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3575. totius mundi spirituum et coeli, in altera vita, quare singula cogitationis interioris spectant, quae sunt usus medii; praeterea etiam in mundo inanimato et animato, omnia similiter spectant usum, ut variis modis inserviant homini. Ita nunc usus sunt, ad quos formata sunt omnia et singula, et ab interiori spectant exteriora, inde satis constare potest, quod finis universalissimus omnium sit Qui disponat omnia et singula, et Quod Ipse Qui disponit sit Finis a Quo et ad Quem omnia tendent ordine, et Quod Finis, Qui est Dominus, ita efficiat, ut omnes fines inferiores et usus, ordine SeIpsum spectent, et quod spectare nequicquam possint, nisi ab Ipso; et quod Finis sit vita, constare [potest] a finibus cujusvis hominis.

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