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《灵界经历》 第3577节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3577

3577. It is therefore clear that throughout the universe a use can never be separate from organics, this being the reason why the uses of the lowest things in nature originate from inward instrumental uses (a use apart from instruments does not exist in the created universe), thus necessarily from the Lord.

[2] But that one must at first see all uses from the lowest plane has happened because it is human nature to be instructed by means of the senses. But the vision opens up from outer toward inward regions through the removal of outward properties, or by their death, so to speak. For when outer elements have been removed, inner ones open up, and then more inward ones when the inward ones have been removed, so that outer ones are as none at all. So, by removals, or a casting behind of inward elements, the way is opened from posterior to prior elements - a generally familiar concept. 1748, 15 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3577

3577. As it appears therefore that throughout the universe use can never be separated from organic substances, there results hence a reason for the use of ultimates in nature; they flow from the uses of external organic substances. Use separate from organic substances is not given in the created universe, thus [it flows] necessarily from the Lord. But that all use might be seen from ultimates, is a consequence of man's being born such a being as he is - one who is to be instructed by sensual things; but his sight extends from external to internal things by a removal of the external, or, as it were, by their death, for when the external are removed, the internal appear, and upon their removal, things still more interior, so that finally there are no externals. Thus by removals and rejections [from before to] behind the internal, a way from the posterior to the prior is given - a process with which man is familiar. - 1748, October 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 3577 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3577. Constat itaque quod nusquam usus in universo separari queat ab organicis, inde fluit [usus], quare usus ultimorum in natura, fluunt ab usibus interiorum organicorum - usus separatus ab organicis in universo creato non datur - ita necessario a Domino; at quod primum videri omnes usus ab ultimis, factum quia talis homo, ut per sensualia instruatur, sed ab externis ad interiora patet visus, per remotionem exteriorum, seu quasi per mortem eorum, dum enim remota sunt externa, patent interna, et sic adhuc interiora, remotis illis, sic ut nulla sint externa: ita per remotiones aut rejectiones in tergum interiorum, via a posteriori ad priora, datur, quae homini est familiaris. 1748, 15 Oct. 68

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