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《灵界经历》 第3576节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3576

3576. If the Lord were not the Purpose and did not arrange all things looking toward purposes, then it would never be conceivable to anyone how uses and purposes form the earthly internal organs, which no one of mortals understands. For they have no mental picture of uses except by their effects. And because uses and purposes can in no way come forth except by instrumental substances, and uses and purposes are the living elements of instrumental substances, it is plain that the universe from its innermost to its outermost regions is organic, i.e. instrumental, and that the Lord Alone is Life - so that the universe is filled with the Lord. 1748, 15 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3576

3576. Unless the Lord were the end, no one could perceive how uses and ends should form the viscera and other natural organs, which no mortal understands, for no idea is to be had of use except from effects. And as uses and ends can never exist but from organic substances, and because uses and ends are the vital principles of organic substances, it thence appears that the Universe, as to its contents, from the inmost to the outmost, is organic, and that the Lord alone is Life, and thus the Universe is filled by the Lord. - 1748, October 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 3576 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3576. Nisi Dominus sit Finis, et omnia disponat ad fines, tunc nequaquam ulli constare potest, quomodo usus et fines forment viscera et naturalia, quae a nullo mortalium intelliguntur, nam usuum nullam habent ideam, nisi ab effectibus. Et quia usus et fines nusquam existere queant nisi ab organicis, et quod usus et fines sint vitae organicorum, inde constat, quod universum quoad ejus intima ad extima, sit organicum, et quod Dominus Solus Vita, sic ut universum plenum sit Domino. 1748, 15 Oct.

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