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《灵界经历》 第3586节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3586

3586. At length, some of them, thinking they were able to do absolutely anything, take away anyone's life, or suffocate anyone at all, began to tremble vehemently and gradually sink down under. I saw by an inward vision that a certain little one was pushing them down, whose presence caused them to stagger and tremble, crying out that they were in anguish, and in fact so much so that they resorted time and again to entreaties that they might be liberated. But they continued to be pushed downward with such trembling and anxiety that they told their companions below the mountain that they were overcome, and were hardly able to breathe, and thus that they no longer chose to come into the world of spirits and to lead people as they had been inspired by evil spirits to do.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3586

3586. At length some of them who supposed that they were able to do anything, even to take away the life from anyone, or suffocate anyone, began to tremble greatly, and to be gradually submerged. It was perceived by interior vision that a certain small child was pushing them down, from whose presence they so tottered and trembled, that they cried out that they were in anguish, and indeed to that degree that they often betook themselves to supplications that they might be delivered. But still they were thrust down with such trembling and anxiety that they related to their companions under the mountain that they were overpowered, so that they could scarcely breathe, and thus that they no more desired to come into the world of spirits, and lead men, as they said this desire was infused into them by evil genii.

Experientiae Spirituales 3586 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3586. Tandem quidam eorum, quia putabant se omnia posse, unicuique vitam demere, seu suffocare quemcunque, incipiebant tremulare crasse, et sensim submergi, perceptum visione interiore, quod quidam parvus eos detruderet, a cujus praesentia ita titubabant et tremulabant, clamabant, quod angerentur, et quidem ita valde, ut saepe ad supplicationes se conferrent, ut liberarentur, sed usque detrusi cum tali tremulatione et anxietate, ut narrarent suis qui subter montem, quod victi, sic ut vix respirare possent, ut sic non amplius optarent in mundum spirituum venire, et ducere homines, sicut dixerunt, et iis a malis geniis infusum.

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