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《灵界经历》 第3587节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3587

3587. The spirits who had been around me before had fled away, for they said that those [antediluvian spirits] who returned, if they themselves had remained, would have taken the life of their breathing away from them. Some in the left side of the head who were their mediums later declared mournfully that they were almost exhausted, more so than the others, for they had this [disadvantage], that all the others were more nothing than themselves, it being their own persuasion that others are nothing in comparison to themselves - their purpose being that this persuasion may penetrate others so that they may seem to themselves to be nothing, along with great anxiety. These are the ones who were choosing to emerge, with the purpose of killing me [3584]. Thus it was made known to them that when those [antediluvian] spirits were present they were nothing with great anxiety. Some of them I saw vomiting out what was in them. For when they seemed to themselves to be coming back out of that death into their pristine life, then the effect of their return was like that of the vomiting I observed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3587

3587. The spirits who were before around me fled, and some who returned remarked that if they had remained the life of their respiration would have been taken away from them. Some who were on the left of the head, and who were their subjects, afterwards complained that they more than others were rendered almost lifeless, for [the spirits spoken of] inwardly held that all others compared to them were nothing. Such in fact is their persuasion, that in comparison with themselves others are nothing, and this persuasion penetrates others, so that they are affected with great anxiety in finding themselves, in their own esteem, to be reduced to nothing. There were those who desired that they might emerge in order to my destruction; but their presence made them feel, with much anxiety, that they were as nothing. Some of them were seen by me to be seized with vomiting, for when they seemed to themselves to be recovered from that [apparent] death, the effect of the recovery was to produce the vomiting which was seen. Certain of the evil genii who were above the head associated with themselves several others, for they are intent upon craftily taking my life. They said those did not suffer in this manner from them who think themselves to be so subtle that they cannot be affected by their persuasive principle, though they were still liable, as was in some measure perceived by me, to be seized with various anxieties growing out of such strict conjunctions. I knew, however, by positive assurance, that if they did not desist they would be inwardly affected and punished worse than others. Such are the genii who eagerly watch for an occasion of acting in this clandestinely deceitful manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 3587 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3587. Spiritus qui prius circum me, aufugerunt, nam dixerunt, qui redirent, quod auferrent, [si] remansissent, iis respirationis vitam; quidam qui in sinistro capite, qui subjecta fuerunt eorum, lamentati sunt postea, quod enecati quasi, magis quam alii, nam secum habebant id, quod omnes alii prae iis nihil essent, et talis est eorum persuasio, quod nihil sint alii respective ad eos, ut persuasivum hoc penetret alios, et sic sibi videantur nihil esse cum multa anxietate: erant ii qui optabant, ut emergerent, me necandi causa [3584], sic iis exploratum erat, quod cum ii adessent, quod nihil essent cum multa anxietate: quidam eorum visi mihi evomere ea quae in iis, nam cum ex morte ista redire sibi videbantur in vitam pristinam, tunc ex effectu isto fluebat instar vomitus, ut redirent, qui visus.

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