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《灵界经历》 第3590节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3590

3590. How a human being ought to think

I heard spirits arguing that they cannot possibly reason about spiritual and heavenly matters except from the bodily senses, because they are bodily beings, but I was inspired to reply that they ought to think from heaven, that is, from the higher knowledge of faith, which is heavenly, and has been revealed - and then, if need be, confirm such knowledge by means of the senses. For the angels are in the aura of faith, or in the aura of the higher knowledge of faith - so [when] they think about heaven, countless truths are revealed to them as they are to those in heaven. 1748, 16th Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3590


I have heard spirits reasoning together saying that things, they could not reason otherwise than from sensual and corporeal concerning spiritual and celestial things, because they were corporeal. But it was replied, that they should think from heaven, that is, from the knowledges of faith, which are heavenly, and which are revealed [in the Word], and thus, if necessary, these knowledges might be confirmed by sensual things. For the angels are in the sphere of faith, thus in the knowledges of faith; thus they might think concerning heaven, and in this manner, innumerable truths would be revealed to them, as to those in heaven. - 1748, October 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 3590 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3590. Quomodo homo cogitare debet

Audivi spiritus ratiocinantes, quod non possint aliter ratiocinari quam ex sensualibus et corporeis, de spiritualibus et coelestibus, quia corporei sunt, sed responsum percepi, quod ex coelo debeant cogitare, hoc est, ex cognitionibus fidei, quae coelestes sunt, quaeque revelatae, et sic a sensualibus, si opus, confirmari: nam angeli in sphaera fidei, proinde in cognitionum fidei sunt; sic cogitant de coelo, et sic innumerabiles veritates eis revelantur, sicut illis in coelo. 1748, 16 Oct.

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