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《灵界经历》 第3589节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3589

3589. I was then shown how their women dressed their heads, namely with a round black cap, quite long, and their small white face within. [Drawing, apparently of a cap.] And because they had loved little children, they felt great delight in having the little ones walk before them as they were in fact portrayed to me, walking ahead in a curved line, the women showing them off. I spoke with them about the love of little children, saying that it exists also with all wild animals, thus also with the worst people. But if they had loved the little ones not for the sake of self-love and self-glory, but so that human society might increase for the common good, and even more so that the number of those in heaven might be multiplied - thus for the sake of heavenly societies, thus for the sake of the Lord - then their love toward little children had been genuine. But this was not the case with them.

Of the men it was said that as they grew up, they became ugly, hairy, with hair hanging around their faces, and I realized that this was a result of their persuasion. It was said that their women were small. 1748, 16 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3589

3589. It was afterwards shown me how their women were clothed as to the head, viz, that they wore a round black cap considerably large, with a kind of turret between the small snow-white [projections], and because they loved infants, they delighted to have them go before them, which also was represented to me, and how they went before in an inflected line, the mothers glorying [in the meantime]. Speaking of the love of infants, [I said] that the same principle existed among all the brute beasts, and thus among the worst of the human race; but if they loved infants, not for the sake of self-love and self-glory, but with a view to the common good by the increase of human society, and more especially by the multiplication of the numbers in heaven, thus on account of the celestial societies, and thus on account of the Lord, they would then have had the genuine love of infants; but this was not theirs. It was said concerning the men, that as they grew up they became deformed, especially from the quantity of hair about their faces, which it was perceived was connected with their persuasive principle. It was said that their women were small. 1748, October 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 3589 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3589. Ostensum mihi dein est, quomodo mulieres eorum quoad caput amictae sint, nempe quod pileo rotundo nigro - - - - - - satis protenso, facie intus parva nivea: et quia amaverant infantes, quod delectatae fuerint, ut infantes praeirent, qui quoque mihi repraesentati, quomodo in linea inflexa praeirent, inde gloriantes: loquutus de infantum amore, quod etiam sit apud omnia bruta, ita apud pessimos; at si infantes amaverint non sui amoris, et gloriae causa, sed ut societas humana ob commune bonum augeretur, et magis ut coelum inde multiplicaretur, ita propter societates coelestes, et sic propter Dominum, tunc fuisset amor erga infantes genuinus: sed hoc eorum non fuit. Dictum de viris, quod sicut adoleverunt, deformes facti, criniti, qui [crinis] circum facies penderet, et perceptum quod persuasivum tale id secum habeat. Dictum quod mulieres eorum parvae. 1748, 16 Oct.

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