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《灵界经历》 第3608节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3608

3608. The mental imagery of spirits is bound to a place and things that are in a place [see 3605]

When I betook myself into the next room and from there walked into the first or other room, I suddenly seemed to be alone, just as if the spirits had departed from me, when yet they were in the other room, where books and other articles which they had seen were present. This leads to the conclusion that such articles are in the mental imagery of spirits - in those of some, such as relate to books, of others such as relate to utensils, of still others such as relate to light, flame, and other items connected with them. So when those things had been left behind and not been seen in the other room, they seemed [to themselves] to have disappeared. For they are present according to their mental imagery, and if such objects are lacking, they seem to depart.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3608


Upon my conveying myself into an adjoining chamber, from whence I was to pass back into the former, it immediately seemed to me as if a solitude had been created, and the spirits had withdrawn from me, when yet they were present in the adjacent room, where were my books and other things, which they had seen. Hence it may be inferred that such things are in the ideas of spirits; in those of some, the things pertaining to books, in those of others, the things pertaining to utensils, in those of others the things of light, fire, and other matters connected with these, so that when they were left, and were not seen in the other chamber, they seemed themselves to have disappeared; for they are present according to their ideas, to which, if such objects are wanting, they seem themselves to withdraw.

Experientiae Spirituales 3608 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3608. Quod spirituum ideae alligatae sint loco, et iis quae sunt in loco [vide 3605]

Cum in conclave proximum me contulerim, et inde in prius alterum irem, illico mihi ut solitudo visum est, sic ut quasi spiritus a me secesserint, cum tamen in proximo conclavi, ubi libri, et alia, quae viderant, praesentes essent; inde concludi potest, quod talia in ideis spirituum sint, in quorundam ea quae sunt librorum, in quorundam quae sunt utensilium, in quorundam quae sunt lucis, flammae, praeter alia quae inde, quare cum ea relicta sunt, nec visa in altero conclavi, disparuisse videbantur, nam praesentes sunt secundum ideas suas, quibus si non talia objecta, discedere videntur.

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