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《灵界经历》 第3612节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3612

3612. Moreover, such spirits inflict pain in the left side of my head, forming as it were hard knots there, so they are those also who encrust the brain. But when I was given by the Lord not to pay attention to such objections nor to let them enter, then I felt such a pain in the left side of my neck that I could hardly turn my head on account of the pain from the cramping of the sinew - the reason being that the argumentative spirits did not want to be present, but were beginning to withdraw, as they in fact declared. 1748, 18 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3612

3612. Such moreover strike a pain into the left side of my head, forming there, as it were, hard knots; thus they are those also who incrust the brain. When it was given me by the Lord not to regard such objections or to admit them, then I perceived a pain in the nerves of the left [side of the] neck, so that I could scarcely turn my head, by reason of the pain [arising from] the hardness of the nerve. The cause of this was, that the reasoners were unwilling to be present, but began to recede, as they also said. - 1748, October 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3612 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3612. Praeterea tales sinistrae parti capitis mei dolorem incutiunt; quasi ibi nucleos duros formantes; sic sunt quoque qui incrustant cerebrum: cumque mihi datum a Domino, objectiones tales non curare, nec eas admittere, tunc in nervis sinistri colli sensi dolorem ut vix caput possem circumflectere prae dolore duritiei nervi, causa, quod ratiocinatores non adesse vellent, sed recedere inciperent, sicut etiam dixerunt. 1748, 18 Oct.

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