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《灵界经历》 第3613节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3613

3613. Greater obscenities than formerly are issuing from countries where Christians live

Obscenities were depicted to me from a multitude above me, and it was said to be coming from countries where Christians dwell, signifying that they are obscene in regard to the feminine sex, and that such persons have multiplied at this day more than formerly in countries where Christians dwell. For the extent to which vices are increasing is manifestly seen in the other life, where all arrive.

These are obscenities of speech, of thought, and of life, which are causing matrimony to be looked down on, when yet it exists for the sake of the propagation of the human race. It was also said that the lower parts of the earth at this day are being filled with such. 1748, 19 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3613


Various obscenities were represented to me by many spirits that were above me, and it was said that they were from countries where Christians dwell, signifying, that they are obscene as to sexual matters, and that such are multiplied at this day in those countries more than formerly; for as vice increases [on earth], it is manifestly perceived in the other life, whither all come [after death]. There are obscenities of thought, of discourse, and of life causing matrimonies to grow vile, though they are yet kept up for the sake of the propagation of the human race. It was then said that the lower parts of the earth [i. e. the lower orders of men] abound at this day with such evils. - 1748, October 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3613 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3613. Quod obscoeniora e terris ubi Christiani existant, quam prius

Repraesentata mihi obscoena, a multis supra me, et dictum quod sint qui e terris ubi Christiani, significantia, quod obscoeni sint, quod sexum faemininum concernit, et quod tales hodie multiplicati sint in terris, ubi Christiani, magis quam prius, nam quantum vitia crescunt, in altera vita percipitur manifeste, quo omnes veniunt; sunt obscoenitates loquelae, cogitationis et vitae, quae faciunt, ut matrimonia vilescant, quae tamen sunt propter propagationem generis humani; tum dictum quod inferiora terrae talibus hodie impleantur. 1748, 19 Oct.

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