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《灵界经历》 第3615节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3615

3615. What evil in act is

It was communicated to me that actual evil is what a person acquires not only by acts, but also by thoughts without the act. For if outer restraints did not hinder, the person would then, from passion supported by arguments and from reasonings arising from passion, rush willfully and without conscience into evil, and this regardless of what restraints there may be. 1748, 19 Oct.

There is an inward restraint if one thinks about losing the happiness of eternal life that one is awaiting. And the desire to be the greatest in heaven is also a bond that holds one back from actual evil, so it should not be confused with conscience, which, when true, does not exist without love of the neighbor in preference to oneself, and this love does not exist without faith in the Lord. Therefore from higher knowledge of the faith, and thus from faith itself, genuine conscience is given by the Lord. These words [were written] in the presence of angelic spirits. 1748, 19 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3615


I was informed, that actual evil is not only that which a man has acquired to himself by acts, but also by thoughts without acts; for if external bonds had not prevented, he would, from cupidity confirmed by reasonings, and in reasoning from cupidity, have voluntarily, and without conscience, rushed into evil. An interior bond which restrains man from actual evil, is that which induces him to think, that if he commits evil he shall lose the happiness of eternal life, which he expects and the desire to be chief in heaven is also a bond which restrains him; but this bond is not to be confounded with conscience, which, when it is true, cannot be given without love towards the neighbor, so that a man prefers his neighbor's interests to his own, and this love cannot exist without faith in the Lord. Genuine conscience is given by the Lord through the knowledges of a true faith, thus from genuine faith. This [is said] in the presence of angelic spirits. - 1748, October 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3615 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3615. Quid malum actuale

Communicatum mihi, quod malum actuale non solum sit id, quod homo sibi comparat per actus, sed etiam per cogitationes absque actu, nam si vincula externa non impedirent, usque ex cupiditate confirmata ratiociniis, et ex ratiocinatione ex cupiditate, rueret voluntario, et absque conscientia in malum, et hoc quodcunque vinculum sit, 1748, 19 Oct. Vinculum interius est, si cogitet, quod perdat vitae aeternae felicitatem, quam exspectat, et [si] summus esse cupit in coelo, est quoque vinculum, quod retinet eum a malo actuali, quare non confundendum cum conscientia; quae, dum vera, non datur absque amore proximi, ut eum sibi praeferat, et amor hic non absque fide in Dominum; ideo ex cognitionibus verae fidei, et sic ex fide datur a Domino genuina conscientia, haec in praesentia spirituum angelicorum. 1748, 19 Oct.

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